IN WHICH vinnie hacker finally meets the beautifully spritited girl who breaks him out of his shell.
#14 under vinniehacker 4/24/22
#1 under vincenthacker 6/14/22
#115 under tiktok 7/25/22
#1 under naileadevora 12/18/22
#1 under vinnie 7/29/22
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third person january 30th, 2022
IMESSAGE vinvin😊
lola VIN
vinvin😊 yes lola what is it 😭😭
vinvin😊 DUDE ??
vinvin😊 SHOW ME ??
lola no bro you HAVE to see it in person. meet me at the park ?
vinvin😊 lola you know id love to see you again, but its 12am 😭😭
lola and🙄?
lola what do they give you curfew at the hype house or smth💀
vinvin😊 lola im serious😭😭
vinvin😊 maybe another time
lola okay vin ik this is gonna sound manipulative/insecure as hell but i overthink alot n i need u to reassure me on this
lola are you like...avoiding me? i mean we've been texting for weeks and ive only met you once
lola like do u even consider me as a friend
vinvin😊 :/ of course lola. you're one of the best friends i have at the moment. ive just had alot going on, and i know that i can be pissy towards people i get attached to, and i dont wanna treat you like that
vinvin😊 which now that im saying it outloud is so dumb but idk. i guess that i feel like the vinnie you met isnt the guy i really am, and im scared you wont like him
lola vinnie what of course i like him
lola obviously the vinnie i met isnt the real you, the vinnie i met barely spoke to me 😭😭 but the vinnie ive been texting and facetiming this month feels like the guy i want to be my best friend