IN WHICH vinnie hacker finally meets the beautifully spritited girl who breaks him out of his shell.
#14 under vinniehacker 4/24/22
#1 under vincenthacker 6/14/22
#115 under tiktok 7/25/22
#1 under naileadevora 12/18/22
#1 under vinnie 7/29/22
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third person february 19, 2022
lola yawned and rolled over in bed, laying on her stomach as she was close to falling asleep, with the movie she was previously watching softly playing in the background.
vinnie had ended up taking the offer on the boxing match, and because of that he had been traveling alot more than both him, and lola, were used to. he was currently in new york for a couple interviews, which left lola bestfriend-less back in la.
don't get her wrong, of course she was more than satisfied with the friendgroup she lives with. she just missed her best friend.
vinnie was, very surprisingly, taking it better than she was. he missed her just as much, but because he had interviews and places to discorver in new york, lola was ultimately more bored than he'd ever be during his visit.
lola's slumber was disturbed by the sound of her phone ringing. she groaned and let it ring for a while, before finally rolling over and answering the call. "what do you want, nigga, damn," she grumbled into the phone, making it evident that she was resting shortly before the call.
"see, this why i don't like calling you." vinnie retorted, lola immediately smiling at the sound of his voice. they hadn't had a verbal conversation in 3 days, which is a lot longer than it seems when you're used to talking on the phone, for at least 3 hours, everyday.
"vin. you know i miss you very much. but it's 4am, and all i wanna do right now is sleep."
"what do you mean? it's literally 8."
"you're not very bright, are you?"
"oh, yeah. oops. anyways, are you not gonna ask me about how my day was yesterday? you're being very rude."
lola exhaled, "how the fuck was your day, vincent?"
vinnie smiled wide at that. he loved when she pretended to be upset with him, but it hurt him to imagine how it'd feel if she was actually mad at him.
"pitiful, lola bug. just pitiful. i get so much second hand embarrassment everytime bryce 'threatens' someone. i haven't played valorant all week. and you wanna know what they tried to feed us at our interview yesterday? Kirkland snacks, lola! Kirkland snacks!" the boy ranted out as he sat down on his hotel bed, grinning when the girl's laugh rang throughout his ear.
"you're so dramatic, nigga, damn. just play 'Pokémon Go!' or sumn. want me to send you some goldfish?" lola yawned in reply, patting her head as she felt it itch.