3. Nobody's Perfect

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Hollywood California, January 5 2002

"See now I think this place is more like your kinda thing," Tommy says passing me over a shot glass full of Jack Daniels as we sit at the bar of the Whiskey A Go-Go. A place I had been to many times before and I can say the place hasn't changed one bit. I had no idea what band was playing but it was Metal and it was perfect.

"Yes, yes it is," I giggle and hold up my shot glass as he clinks his shot glass to mine again and we both down it at the same time.

We had been continuing our conversation and just laughing together the entire time. No one had ever told me just how hilarious he is. I've always heard about the bad stuff. He was telling me about how he used to live right around the corner in an apartment just above the Whiskey with Nikki and Vince way back  when they were just kids getting started when a familiar tall frame with a leather jacket, thick black curls and a top hat appeared beside him.

"Holy shit man how are ya?" Tommy smiles at him. It was Slash - er sorry Saul Hudson.

"Good, man I'm good," He smiles at Tommy and does that brotherly type of handshake. They catch up for a few minutes and just as I flagged down the bartender for another couple of drinks, Saul recognizes me.

"Fuck Andi, is that you?" He smiles and I turn and look up at him pushing my curls out of my eyes.

"Yea, hey, hi," I say shyly.

"Shit sweetie, it's good to see you," He says sweetly and moves over to me to lean in for a hug. It's been years since I've seen him.

"It's good to see you too," I say as he pulls away from me and I see Tommy smirk at me as the bartender sets our drinks down in front of us. "You here with Pearla?" I add.

"Yea, yea, she's off somewhere with her friends. How's Chris?" He asks and I suddenly felt this weird jolt out of nowhere.

"Um... we're not together anymore," I say and I feel Tommy look at me.

"Oh, fuck I'm sorry sweetie I didn't know- "

"It's ok," I say.

"Then are you two -" He gestures between Tommy and I.

"Um well - " Tommy starts.

"No, no, no, I'm just his manager," I say and glance at Tommy and he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Yea, this is just a business thing," Tommy says and Saul just gives us a weird look like he knew something that we apparently didn't. Tommy and Saul then continue to catch up as I try to pretend this isn't happening, then after a few moments Saul leaves us to go find his wife Pearla.

"So, Slash huh?" Tommy smiles at me with a nod.

"No, it's not like that. When Chris - I mean Soundgarden - were asked to tour with them in '91, that's when we met," I explain and he chuckles a bit. I don't want him to think I'm a groupie. I sometimes forget just how many people I know until I run into them at the most awkward times.

"Ah, ok, ok," He smiles and takes a sip of his shot that I ordered for us and we carry on with our conversation we were having before.

He explains a bit of why he left Motley, that he needed a break and how no one seems to understand his musical direction that he wants to take. I told him that he should do what he feels is right for him.

"... It's just fucked up man that Nikki was all like, pissed at me just cause I had enough. I'm not into playing the same old songs I've been playing for like the last 20 fuckin' years," He says taking a another shot of Jack Daniels.

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