New beginnings

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Lucas POV

Lucas:I can explain

Riley: Go on. I want to see how you're going to get out of this one. You might want your robe first.

Maya: Ima go.

Riley:Maya wait.

Maya: What?

Riley: There is this really expensive gold locket that you always dream of having in my brothers bedroom it has yours and his name on it. Might want to tell him to go get a refund.

Maya: yea okay.

Lucas: Okay um well um she came over and um I was really mad and

Riley: So you slept with her. I get that you were mad at me but you slept with her. Have fun in Texas Friar.

She walks down the stairs and I go after her.

Lucas: Riley!

She grabs the door and slams it closed.

Riley's POV

I grab my phone and call Eliot and start to make my way to my house.

Eliot: Ri-

Riley: Is Maya there ?

Eliot: No why oh never mind she just knock on the door

Riley: Give her the locket and keep me on speaker don't tell her

Eliot: Okay.

Through the phone

Eliot: Hey babe

Maya: Hey

Eliot: where have you been?

Maya: Ya know out

Eliot: Well I got you this locket and um I well I love you so much Maya Hart that this locket doesn't even show 1% of how much I love you. I love you so much that I would die than have you suffering

Maya: Omg Eliot. I love you so much

Riley: If you love so much why did you sleep with lucas like literally 20mins ago

Maya: Riley?

Riley: I'm on speaker

Maya: Eliot I'm so sorry I just don't know how it happened

Eliot: Get out.

Maya: What?

Eliot: Just leave and don't come back

Riley: I'll be home in 2 min.

I walk into the living room and see Eliot and my parents.

Topanga: How is Philadelphia sound?

Riley: New beginnings that's sounds really good

Cory: Its settled then.

The next day.

We had all of our stuff in a U-Haul and I was getting the last box from my room when someone walks in through the window.

Lucas: Where are you going?

Riley: New beginnings

Lucas: What?

Riley: Bye Lucas, Go enjoy Texas.

Lucas: Always

Riley: Never will replace Always cause we were never forever

I grab the box and close the door.

Riley: Bye New York

2 days later

On the phone

Riley: Dad I'm lost I don't know how to get home I still don't know the streets

Dad: Where are you?

Riley: I don't know

Alex: Need help there

Riley: Nevermind dad I got this

I hang up on my Dad.

Riley: Uh yea hi I'm Riley Matthews

Alex: Alex Fenny

Riley: As in George Fenny grandson

Alex: His brother had a kid kid had me

Riley: I see can you take me to his house I live right next to them

Alex: So your that Matthews Family

Riley: Yea I am

Alex: Cool

He walked me home. Ha walked me up to the tree that has the tree house.

Alex: So Riley I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?

Riley: Like a date

Alex: If you don't its totally OK?

Riley: I do but I got to warn you I have pretty heavy baggage

Alex: Then I'll help you carry it

Riley: Alright then

Alex: Tomorrow at 5

Riley: Perfect

He gave me a kiss on the cheek. This is great place to start all over.

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