Chapter 2-

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"WHAT THE FUCK" Custer yells closing the blind " the fucking cops are looking for faye" he says to The ginger dude on the phone with him

"What tf where you think pushing the hotel manager of the balcony" I say frustrated


Custer talks to the ginger dude on the phone while i scream at faye.


"Get in the vent" Custer says to us standing up "both you of you right tf now"

"what" i say

faye looks in the vent then signs and stuffs herself in.

"get in" Custer says to me

i sigh and he pushes me in.

Fuck. I can't believe faye got us into this shit. We stay silent for what feels like forever. I had to cover fayes mouth to stop her from crying so hard.

"what do we do now" i say finally taking my hand off faye's mouth

"idk, custer said something about us staying with that ginger from new years. And to meet him at taco bell"

"I swear when we get out of here faye" i say

Me and faye clim out of the vent to find custer is gone. - Probably taken in for questioning by the cops.

"come on faye" i say checking the windows

i grab fayes hand and i slowly open the door. Luckily the taco bell was really close by so when we ran it only took 2 minutes. We hid behind a dumpster behind the taco bell. Faye tried making conversation or apologising but i could speak to her. I can't believe she's been so dumb. It's hard enough for me to avoid foster care without her being a suspect of murder. Sure faye wasn't the best gardian but she was better then none and definitely better then our parents.
I spot a car driving up toward us.

"faye" i say "that him?"

she bends her neck round the side of the bin to look. "yeah" she says standing up grabbing my hand. We run toward the car and faye jumps in the front seat and i go to the back. The guy says nothing and continues driving.

"don't look at me like that" Faye says " i only went crazy cause the motel manager was saying. such mean things"

"i honestly don't care" he says

"i'm y/n" i say putting my arm on the chair in front.

The guy looks back. "This your little sister?" He says to faye

she nods

"i'm Fez" he says looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"nice to meet you fez" Faye says

Fez looks at her then back at me and smiles kindly.

Not your usual drug dealer. He doesn't seem that bad. Oh but the other boy. He's gonna be a pain in the ass.

We finally arrive at fez's house. He opens the door and lets us in.
"go sit on the couch i need to talk to ash" he says

Me and faye go to the couch looking around at the house. We sit and look at each other. Yells come from a room in the house. Clearly Ashtray wasn't to happy about us staying here. Eventually the yells stopped and Fez walked out. He got a paper towel for fayes nose and sat and the table. "don't touch nothing, don't talk to ash" fez says to us

"okay" faye says

"and don't go in my fucking room alright" he says unwrapping his sandwich.

"we promise"i say

fez looks back and his face looks like he's pitying me. "want some of my sandwich?" he says

"okay" i say standing up

i sit down and he cuts me a piece of his sandwich.

"Thanks" i say through food

"You and faye can sleep in the living room till we figure out where else u guys can sleep" he says

i nodd, chewing my food

"I'm guessing ashtray isnt to happy about me and faye staying here" i say

"Ash is fine" he says

i smile to myself.

"your not what i expected" I say


"Your a lot nicer then most drug dealers"

He smiles "dont judge a book by its cover" he says pulling out a pre made joint.

I laugh

"You and ash might get a along" he says

"i doubt it" i say

he shrugs his shoulders "never know"

I laugh "thanks for the sandwich" i stand up to go help faye with her blood nose.

Authors note: Thanks for the nice comments on the last chapter hope you like this one!- sorry his one was a bit short

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