Chapter 4-

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"Pick up 2" I say putting down my uno card

"Bro how tf are you so good at this" Ash says picking up 2 "I have like 12 cards now"

I laugh "Uno"

"Wait what" He says looking up from his cards to see i only have one card left "shit" He puts down a red and i celebrate as i put down my last card.

"Can we go to the store now" I say "i am starving"

"yeah" he says standing up and passing me my jacket.

"But fr how do you win every time" He says as we walk out the door

"One of the kids i babysat for was obsessed with playing it so i had lots of practice" I say

"You used to babysit?" He says putting his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Yeah" I say "not all 14yr olds can be drug dealers" i laugh

"Lucky them" he says

"yeah but they don't have the coolest roommate ever so" i say " good parts and bad parts"

He laughs

"hey did fez tell you anything about that weird guy that came in the store the other day?" i say

"Didn't he tell you?" he says

"he said he found out something yesterday and that me would tell me this morning" i say "but i woke up late so"

"well we are pretty sure its Nate's dad" Ash says

"No fucking way" i say "Like Nate Nate, the one fez nearly killed?"

Ash nods

"fuck" i say as we walk into the store

"Sup guys" Fez says "D'you tell her?'

"yeah" ash says grabbing two Gatorades

"So what you gonna do?" I say walking to the chips

"Not sure" Fez says

"Ash what chips you want?" I say

"Barbecue" Ash says "we cant just do nothing though"

"Just gotta wait see what he does" Fez says

"okay" i say walking round to the register where fez and ash are

Fez looks at ash "you guys go have fun"

"come on" i say to ash and i run out the store and clim up on the roof, Ash on my tail

I sit on the edge letting my feet dangle.

"Hey" i say looking at Ash as he walks around me to sit next to me

"Sup" he sits down and passes me my gatorade and leans back on his hands

I look out at the road

I feel his eyes on me. I look at him "Wanna play  truth or dare?"

He laughs "No"

"why not" I smile

"It weird as hell" he says "you wanna ask me questions then ask me questions don't have to be all 5 yr old about it"

"okay" i say turning my body to face him "Why we're u a dick when me and faye first moved in"

"I was not" He says "You were"

"uh, how?" i say faking being offended

"All that drama queen shit" he laughs

"Aw come on you were being a drama queen" I say

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