Chapter 3-

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"Get up" i hear a voice say

I open my eyes squinting at the light. My eyes adjust and i see ashtray walking away from me, towards the breakfast table.

"good morning to you to" i say stretching my arms above my head and standing up.

I see faye opening the fridge and i walk over to her.

"coke?" she says


she shrugs and goes to sit down next to fez. Ashtray suddenly stands up and storms off. What a drama queen. I go and sit next to faye.

"you got any breakfast?" Fez says

"not hungry" i say

He stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

"good sleep?" i say to faye smiling

"shut up" she says

Last night faye had snored so loud she woke herself up 4 times.

Fez walks back to the table and places a bowl of cereal in front of me. 

"My grandma always said breakfast is the most important meal of the day" He says not looking up from his breakfast

I decide not to say anything cause i really just wasn't hungry but i ate it.

"Custer is bringing our clothes down this afternoon" faye says

"yeah once he done smelling all your panties" i say finishing my cereal

Faye slaps my arm.

"can i watch tv?" i say to fez

he nods

I go and sit back on the couch and put cartoons on.  Faye  eventually comes and sits down next to me.


A knock comes from the door. Faye gets up.

Fez walks up to the door faye behind him. Two minutes later Custer walks down the hallways with two bags of fayes clothes and a small backpack of mine.

"Hey asshole" i say looking at my bag " You brought be 2 shirts and 1 pair of shorts"

"deal with it" he says

i look at faye but she was too busy looking at all her clothes.

I look back to see Custer smirking.

"oh okay" i say "well you deal with this"

"Fuck" he whines as i slap his broken nose.

I hear a small chuckle come from fez.

"faye" Custer says "tell your bitch sister to stop being a brat"

Faye ignores him.

"Okay well you've brought the clothes so you can leave now" i say

Custer looks at faye waiting to her to protest but she just puts the tv back on.

He glares at me.

I smile and wave goodbye to him.

"Wheres the bathroom?" I say

"down the hall to the left" Fez says absentmindedly

i walk down the hall to see two doors on the left side. I open the door furthest from the the living room to find ashtray on his computer.

Regrettably Attached- Ashtray fanficWhere stories live. Discover now