Chapter 8

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"Morning" I say leaning over Ash

He opens his eyes and grins "Morning"

"You snored so loud last night" I laugh

He fakes being hurt and grins. Then he picks me up and roles over onto of me tickling me.

He's laughing

"Omg ash" I say laughing "Fuck off" i try pushing him off but unfortunately he's stronger.

I try so hard to get away i fall off the bed.

We both laugh uncontrollably.

"What was that" Fez says walking in but smiling when he sees us laughing

We can't say anything cause we are laughing so much.
"You look great Fez" i say passing him his ironed shirt "very smiz" i joke

Faye roles her eyes "yeah you do look good fez"

Fez smiles

A knock comes from the door.

"I'll get it" i say

I walk past Ash who is playing video games in his room, and to the door. I open it to see Custer.

"Tf are you doing here?" I say getting ready to slam the door on his face

He walks through the door not responding
"Sup guys"

Fez walks out confused "yo what's up man, uh i'm actually hella busy, i'm getting ready to go out"

Custer looks anxious "we going to a party? Where you going?"

Fez walks back towards his room "don't worry bout what i'm doing man worry about yourself"

"Alright" He says "I'mma just chill then"

I cross my arms and glare at him as he walks past me

Custer sits down on the couch placing
his phone on the table. He looks over at me and lights a joint. He gestures me to leave.

I half laugh and flip him off l. I was going to leave anyway so i go to ash.
He's watching Custer through the kitchen window.

"Custer is being hella sketchy" Ash says not taking his eyes away

I walk behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my head on his back.


"Tf is he whispering to faye bout" he says

I frown and let go of ash to look. Faye is leaning down to Custer who is sitting on the couch and he's whispering something in her ear.

"Could be some weird sex thing" I say but i don't really think so

"But Custer look super stressed when fez said he was leaving, so if he wanted to do anything i don't think he would want fez there" i half laugh

Ash Frowns.

"What?" i say looking at him

"Come on" he says and walks to his room

Confused i follow him.

He goes into his room and grabs a knife.

"Wait Ash" I say trying to hide my fear "Nah don't"

He walks over and hides it in his sleeve

"Ash" i whisper

He puts his hand on my face "It's ok"

I look at him not knowing what i can say. He grabs my hand and walks over to where Custer is sitting. He sits down on the chair opposite to the couch and i sit at his feet.

Regrettably Attached- Ashtray fanficWhere stories live. Discover now