Chapter 7-

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I burst out laughing "Your fucking gross Ash"

He laughs with me

"Your moving it" He laughs trying to stop the ferris weel seat from moving

I continue to laugh. I look up at the sky, Ash still looking at me. I smile and look at him. He puts his arm round me and pulls me closer.

I look up at him.

He leans his head round and kisses me.

"Not to sound like dork but your beautiful" he whispers his face still so close

"Ew thats way to dorkie, i am leaving" I say sarcastically

He laughs and roles his eyes.

The ride stops and we get off. I jump onto Ash's back laughing and he laughs grabbing onto my legs, carrying me around. I kiss him on the cheek smiling.

"You wanna go to the funhouse?" Ash says

"yeahh" I say jumping down

We walk into the funhouse. I look around and walk down a dark hallway with flashing lights. I grab onto Ash's hand walking infront of him, leading him down the hallway. I turn to see a room with a bridge and spinning walls. Ash walks next to me putting his arm round me looking up at the spinning walls. We turn into a room full of mirrors.

"This place is boring" He says spinning me around to look at him.

I look up at him "Yeah" i rest my back up against one of the mirrors.

He puts his hand around my waist and moves closer. I keep eye contact with him. He tucks a hair behind my ear starring down at me. I smile at him and he grins back. I laugh pulling him closer by his shirt. He leans down and- His phone rings.

"Fuck" He say disappointed and takes his phone out of his pocket and answers the call.

"Yeah" He says "yeah we will be back at the van in 5" he puts his phone back in his pocket

"Fez?" i say

He nodds "But er where were we?"

I role my eyes "come on" I grab his hand leading him out


"You guys have fun?" Fez says closing up the van as we walk up

"Loads" I say looking at Ash

"Good" Fez says turning round to look at us smiling "Well we made good money tonight guys"

"Great" i say

"Okay lets get tf home" Fez says


"night fez" I say from Ash's doorway

"Night"Fez says and walks into his room.

I feel Ash's hands wrap around my waist.

"So" He says

I turn around to look at him "so?" i say suspiciously

He smiles and reaches his hand across my shoulder to close the door

I raise my eyebrows "Lets watch that show i was telling you about" I walk past him to grab his laptop

He laughs "Alright"

I get into the bed sitting up. Ash gets in next to me and i place the laptop between us.

"What was it called again?" He says putting his arm round me

Regrettably Attached- Ashtray fanficWhere stories live. Discover now