Chapter 5-

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"Faye" i say walking down the hallway

No response. My heart pounds in my chest. Fuck.

"Faye" i say and walk up towards the sofa

I look down to see faye unconscious on the floor. Vomit in mouth, lips and finger tips blue.

"Faye" i cry rushing to her "faye no" i breath heavily. I look down panic filling me . i do CPR "please" my face scrunches up tears falling down fast. "Faye, no no please please" my voice cracks. I press harder "come on" i look up at the ceiling my face hot. "COME ON" . i finally collapse on top of her crying.

"y/n" faye says

I sit up and look at her.

"what?" faye says confused "did i?"

I cry and hug her. She comforts me, stroking my head. "I'm sorry" she says "fuck i'm sorry"

I burry my face in her shoulder trying not to make noise.

"it ok, i'm alright. Are you alright?" she says

i nod into her shoulder. Then i realise. Shit faye shouldn't be talking. She should be laying down, drinking water, covered in blankets.

"Faye get on the sofa right now" i say all the years of research on what to do if she overdosed and i forget? "lay down i will get you some water and blankets"

she gets on the sofa "wa?"

"don't speak" i say passing her water and grabbing all the blankets. I put them on her. Fayes eyes go droopy. Sleep.

"faye go to-" i say but realise she's already asleep. i watch her for a moment. More like 2 hours but whatever. And i go to the other sofa to go to sleep. But i can't. I hear her breathing and u count the seconds to make sure it's not slowing. Fuck. I stand up. I can't sleep here.

"Ash" i whisper

Ash groans "wa?"

"Faye Oded, she's fine now but i can't sleep next to her" i say

"shit" he says "yeah get in"

"sorry" i say getting in

"ts good" he says

I squint my eyes and bring my hands up to cover my eyes. As i move my hands i feel something fall of my hand. I look over to see it was Ash's hand. Tf?

"Ash" i say "Ash come on let's get breakfast"

"mhm" Ash groans rolling over

"come on sleepy head" i say crouching down beside the bed to look at him "i'll get you Cheetos"

"fine" he says sleepily sitting up

"what a good girl" i say teasingly

Ash sarcastically laughs "your so funny"

"I know right" i say putting on my jacket


"you wanna go roller blading today?" i say throwing Ash his Cheetos

"No" Ash laughs opening his cheetos

"Your no fun" i say "your the youngest grumpy old man in the world"

Ash roles his eyes

"ok i was going to make dinner with faye to thank you guys for letting us stay for so long" I say " and well faye has to rest today soo d'you wanna help me"

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