Y/n's Backstory

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-Rues narration
-scenes or speech

Y/n hated her mother. And her father, but he kinda kept to himself. She hated the way her mother would talk about drugs or how they effected people. She hated the way she would comment any time her or Faye ate something.

"D'you really need that, sweetheart?" Y/n mother said

Y/n looks down at her breakfast and put her spoon down

She hated how she would talk bout their father

"Your father is doing god's work" she says crushing a pill into powder "Drugs are the only sustainable way to be happy" she snorted the powder

When Faye was 16 their mother bought her heroin for her birthday

"Don't worry y/n you'll get yours when you're 16" she said patting 10 yr old y/ns head

Her mother was an owner and house mum at a strip club (which was an alibi for the money going into their account). Her mother would bring her in to watch the girls and help with their hair.

"A woman never has nothing" she said," because she always has something that other people want"

Faye seemed to get along a lot better with their mother than she did. Y/n would challenge their mother, question her opinions. But her mother didn't like that.

"What the fuck did you say you little shit" her mother said, smacking her in the head with a book

"mom" Faye said running between them, her voice cracking

Eventually, Faye decided that she would run away with y/n. Y/n appreciated this because Faye had no problems with the family. Her mom loved her, and she got all the heroin she wanted. Y/n will never forget how scared she was sneaking out of the house, petrified that her mother or father would find her and her sister.

Y/n worried about Faye. She watched countless times as her dads 'clients' died. She knew that Faye was no exception. Y/n would take care of Faye. Putting her to bed when she'd passed out, wiping the vomit off her face, stealing laxatives from the store because she couldnt pee, stealing anti-itching cream because of how she would go on about how inchy her skin was, and checking how fast her breathing was. Y/n didn't like to complain, she knew it wasn't Faye's falt. She hated how people saw drug addicts. People like to think that it's their own falt, and they put themselves there. People only do this, so they can feel better about their own version of the world. A world where mothers give their children heroin for their birthday. Y/n hated drug dealers. Well, until she met Fez and Ash. She thought they were cruel people who used others pain for money. But if you think about it. That's most peoples jobs. In some way or another, people make money off other's hardships. Y/n didn't know what to think of Ash. She liked that he understood her. She understood him. She'd never met someone her age that actually got her. But she'd only known him for a short amount of time. Granted, she does live with him so that otta speed things up. She didn't trust people that easily. Sounds cliché as fuck, but she didn't want to get hurt. She'd unconsciously gost or break up with people if they were together for too long. It would only be a matter of time till they hurt her. Her mum used to say

"New friends are just people who haven't hurt you yet, give them time" Her mother said

It was very rare she agreed with her mother, but this she did.

Authors note- hey guys just thought i'd give you guys a little bonus backstory while i wrote chap 5. Thanks for all the support xx alsooo wattpad won't let me reply to y'all comments idk y but i just want to say thank you guys so much for the support!!!

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