Chapter 6-

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Setting: Store- the night of the end of the last chap

"so if he was real" i say " and if hes such a great guy, why does he not stop like homeless or world hunger"

"There's no point trunna reason with him when it comes to god" Ash says sitting in the window

"Well like, then everyone would know that god exists and he want you to give you free choice or sum to believe in him" Fez says leaning his hands on the counter

"Choice?" I say "Believe in him with no evidence or go to hell for eternity isn't much of a choice"

Fez shrugs

I sigh about to continue but Ash grabs me by the waist and pulls me down to sit in his lap.

"stop" He laughs "I have known him for most of my life and not once have i been able to crack him"

At first i am shocked that he just pulled me onto his lap but the shock soon fades.

I role my eyes "whatever" i say "you believe whatever you want man"

"Can you pass the chips" i say about to stand up but Ash's grip tightens.

Fez throws me the chips.

I look round and ash's face giving a confused look. He's looking at fez.

Faye walks into the store "Hi guys"

"Sup" Fez says

"Hey faye" I smile as she walks round to sit next to me and ash.

She notices that i am sitting on Ash's lap and looks at me raising her eyebrows, a smug look on her face.

I role my eyes.


I laugh swinging my feet of the edge of the store roof.

"What time is it anyway" I say to Ash

He grabs him phone from behind him "fuck 2:30"

"Whatever" I say laying back, my legs still dangling but my back on the roof.

Ash lays down with me. Us both looking up at the dark sky.

"Ash" I say

"Y/n" Ash's says

"I'm really glad we met" I say

Ash turns his head to look at me. I look back. He moves closer, now so close our noses were touching. I didn't really think about it but i kissed him. He kissed back bringing his hand to my cheek. I lean down further on my back, him leaning over with me.

"Ash Y/n" Fez says from the ground "we gotta go home now"

Ash looks down where Fez's voice was coming from "uh okay" He looks back at me his hand still propping himself up next to my head.

I smile trying not to laugh. He smiles to and puts a finger to his lips. "Shhh" he laughs

He stand up and clim down off the roof. We walk home with fez and Faye. Catching glances at each other nearly bursting out with laughter every time.

"So i guess you and Ash are sharing a room now so we can push the sofas together to give Faye a bigger bed" Fez says to me

I frown a bit. Guess we are now. "uh sure ok, if Ash's is cool with that"

Ash looks from fez to me, he raises his eyebrows "Yeah" he nods 3 times

I contain my laugh.

"K" Fez says "Night guys" he walks into his room

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