Chapter 1

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The wizard scowled at the little Café through the frigid rain.

There was nothing particularly special about this building. Nothing that made it stand out amongst the other shops in the city. The moss-colored peeling paint was unappealing to the eye and the windows were too dusty to peer in from the street.

A small wooden sign hung from a post: Amortentia. The only indication of this being more than a Muggle establishment.

Potter was cryptic in his request to meet in Paris at this specific Café. Draco had of course walked the perimeter and found nothing of interest in the back aside from two empty bins which was arguably curious for this time of the week. The Muggle shops on either side were small boutiques with nothing of interest inside.

He held back a sneer at the curious Muggles (notably tourists) attempting to be casual, their eyes widening ever so slightly once catching his eye.

He knew what they saw.

His lip curled in annoyance at Potter again for the location choice before he finally entered.

Immediately the hair on the back of his neck was on end at the impressive amount of wards that'd been undetectable until reaching the threshold.

The inside of the Café held a surprising amount of books but was a rather dull interior. What did pique his interest couldn't be seen to the naked eye as he trailed his fingers through the layers of magic weaved into the very foundation.

He approached the only sign of human life which was a book propped open behind the counter with fingers curled around the hardcover.

Unsurprising, there were no other patrons lingering, confirmed by a non-verbal spell.

"I could have told you no one was here," came a faintly familiar and feminine voice.

He heard the crisp sound of a page turning before the chipped polished nails reached for a cuppa.

"You're not needed here, Malfoy. Please send my regards to - bugger."

The door had opened behind him and he knew it was Potter entering, his wet unruly black hair having him look like a shaggy dog.

He and Potter were good acquaintances though Potter called them "friends" but that word made him rather uncomfortable.

"Hermi -"

A long drawn out sigh. "Don't start, Harry."

Potter huffed in annoyance. "I had to find out from Kingsley -"

A muttered curse before the book was abruptly closed and placed on the counter.

He now had his first proper look at Hermione Granger since his trial seven years before.

She wore a frumpy brown jumper that was at least two sizes too big. Her hair was curlier than ever, the chestnut brown complimenting her bright hazel eyes.

Eyes that were looking between him and Potter with heavy disapproval.

She stood from her stool, hands on her hips. "I'm fine, Harry."

"You were burglarized!"

A mocking gasp. "Twenty pounds! Call the brigade!"

Potter scowled. "You know this isn't normal with the protections you have around this place. Someone was after you! Please be reasonable -."

"No," Granger said primly, raising a brow. "I don't think I will. I prefer my solitude and do not need a..." Her lip curled in a surprising amount of disdain in Draco's direction. "... babysitter."

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