Chapter 8

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"Is this seat taken?"

His brows furrowed as Jane Doe approached, a cocky smirk already there.

Draco was seated by an empty barstool and Blaise.

"Not at all," he said, amused and curious with what she would do.

Jane didn't disappoint, taking a bold seat on his lap. His hands instinctually   went to her hips and his chin on her shoulder. The warmth and pressure of her bum felt delicious, bloody hell.

"Did you need something?" he asked casually, begging for his cock to not react.

Draco could feel stares around the room but he forced himself to be indifferent, only taking one hand away to drink his firewhiskey. He glanced at Blaise who looked more amused than anything while having his own drink.

Pansy was next to him, trying to distract him from looking down Jane's blouse.

"Nope," Jane said, also casual, stealing a sip from his glass.

Merlin, she hadn't even coughed.

She gave a little yelp as he lifted her so her arse was positioned more on his thigh than cock.

He could actually think now.

"I'm not one for small talk, love," he drawled, allowing his hand holding the cold whiskey glass to rest on her  bare thigh. Her quiet gasp nearly had him undone. "What's on your mind?"

She leaned in, her cheek brushing against his as she sighed. He could barely breathe by the time her lips brushed reached his ear. "Stay away from the whiskey," she whispered. "It's not... safe."

Jane kissed his cheek which was electric in its touch before she hopped off his lap. "Scorp..." Her hand lazily grazed Blaise's shoulders. "Zabini."

"What I'd do to snog her senseless in an alcove again," Blaise sighed wistfully, earning him a smack from his wife. He cleared his throat. "I mean... how dare she look in my direction wearing such fit Muggle clothes!"

Draco rolled his eyes, excusing himself before Pansy burst. Marriage did not agree with Blaise Zabini. He wondered how she had even convinced him of such.

He followed quietly in the direction Jane had took off in, nodding to a few wizards as he went.

What did she mean the whiskey wasn't safe? He had some just last week and hadn't felt any different.

Was it poisoned?

Perhaps more importantly, why did she tell him? What does she know?

This place was secretly a maze. Just as you thought the corridor ended, it suddenly started to extend. Didn't Potter mention something about an undetectable extension charm?

"Fuck off, Sir Doyle."

He stopped just before going around a corner.

"Don't be like that, sweet cheeks."

Draco grimaced, taking a quick look.

A tall and slightly familiar wizard was leering over Jane, caging her in with his arms.

"Haven't you shagged every wizard here?" he asked in what was supposed to be a husky tone but instead made him sound nasally. "What's one more?"

Merlin, what a bellend.

"Charming," she deadpanned. "I won't say this again. Fuck off and find a different witch to disappoint."

"Playing hard to get is beginning to tire me, sweet cheeks." Sir Doyle's voice had turned harsh, all amusement gone.

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