Chapter 2

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Draco groaned as he slowly pushed himself off the wooden floor of his master suite, his muscles straining at the effort.

He loathed feeling like a fucking baby unicorn, his legs wobbling pathetically as he used his dresser for balance. For the past four years he has been turning into the thing of nightmares and yet his body refused to acclimate.

Eventually he managed to wobble his way to the loo, lowering himself into the bath already made by Mouse. It was still fascinating to watch how the bruises from his bones breaking and shifting back together gradually vanished, the healing qualities of a werewolf happening before his eyes.


His house elf appeared immediately, his freshly pressed navy suit tailored exactly to his specifications.


"Report," Draco said, closing his eyes.

"Master slept for a few hours before venturing into the gardens, rolling in the mud -"

The house elf and Draco grimaced.

"So nothing of importance," he drawled, his body relaxing more in the bath.

"Master tried to enter the place of which we do not speak," Mouse continued, his gravel tone always serious. "And Harry Potter left a message."

Draco made a face, his eyes still closed. "What did Potter want?"

"Harry Potter said another body was found."

He cursed, quickly leaving the bath and readying himself for the day ahead.


"Harry Potter didn't say."

Draco rolled his eyes at Potter's cowardice, barely glancing at the mirror as he summoned his Auror robes and trousers.

Most mirrors around the manor were covered so he couldn't wallow in self-pity but he'd memorized his scars anyhow. Four red scars stretched from his right temple and across his face towards the left side of his jaw.

A face only a mother could love, isn't that what the Muggles say?

Draco retrieved his galleon and held it in his palm before he stiffly said, "Potter."

Potter's head appeared on the face of the galleon and though the metal wasn't detailed, he could see the heavy disapproval.

"Malfoy, you should be rest -"

"Where, Potter."

His golden face rolled his eyes. "Zed Alley in Bristol." His face vanished and became the original face of the galleon.


"What does organized crime have to do with this?"

"Do you ever stop talking?" Draco said, exasperated.

Potter was filled with unusual nervous energy and was getting on his bloody last nerve. They were quite literally on the way to the organized crime unit in the DMLE to get answers.

Draco had been at the crime scene for only a few minutes when Shacklebolt called them back to the Ministry. However he'd been able to see the same runes tattoo on the inner wrist just like Frank Mallory.

The new victim was a witch he'd known from Hogwarts: Millicent Bulstrode. She'd been brutally slashed just as Mallory.

How did Bulstrode fit into all of this?

His musings were cut short as they approached the DMLE office and were greeted by Head Auror Shacklebolt.

His interim Minister of Magic stint lasted two years before he stepped down, allowing Percy fucking Weasley to take his place. Minister Weasley was a fair leader, Draco just hated saying "Minister" and "Weasley" in that specific order.

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