Chapter 4

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Past the cold ominous black fog was a corridor with several rooms, all leading to impenetrable dueling atriums.

Blaise led him to the farthest room where a large crowd had gathered to watch a duel already taking place. A thin wall of magic protected the viewers from stray spells where they either sat on tiered stands of stone or stood right against the protective wall.

Two wizards were exchanging hexes back and forth, but Draco found their technique lacking.

There was nothing extraordinary about a simple stupify or bombarda.

The viewers' reactions to the duel varied. Some were silent and calculating, observing strategy and technique, others were more vocal - cheering for their side. Draco noted several bets taking place within the crowd, which was unsurprising.

Blaise snorted next to him. "I should have bet a larger wage."

"Is he initiating, Zabini?" asked an approaching short wizard with a ridiculously tall top hat, his graying mustache twitching in amusement. "I imagine this won't take long."

"Hog, this is my cousin, Scorpius," said Blaise with a smirk, side-eyeing Draco. "He can take a challenge."

"Hmm," the wizard hummed, looking Draco up and down. "Let me see your wand, boy."

He saw Blaise nod and Draco relinquished his wand to the odd wizard. Hog put his ear to the wand. "Dragon Heartstring?"

"Yes," he agreed quietly, still mourning his original wand with unicorn hair. It'd been too tempermental after being handled by  Potter.

"Ah, and silver-lime wood?" Hog said, his bushy grey brows raising in surprise. "Didn't know they still made these... they're rare, you know."

Draco only grimaced. Having a distinct wand wasn't exactly good when one was supposed to be undercover.

Ollivander had been hesitant, rightly so, in procuring a new wand for him six years ago. However when he'd found his new match, Ollivander seemed just as surprised as he. Silver-lime was highly sought after in the 19th century and were rumored to be matched to those who are Seers or Legilimens.

Rumors, indeed, is all Draco had said  to the doubtful wandmaker.

"I sense no modifications, good, good. Here you are, lad. You will begin shortly."

Hog scuttled back into the crowd.

"Don't underestimate him either," Blaise said quietly, looking amused. Draco didn't know why Blaise assumed he would. "Hog has a wicked Confringo."

"What makes you think it's not Hog?"

"He was initiated only three years ago," Blaise said quietly. "The club has been running for nearly five."

That didn't rule out murder.

Draco only nodded just as red sparks exploded into the sky.

"The Hawk has forfeited!" echoed Hog's voice through the noise. "Let me hear it for our winner, Jinx!"

Drunken hollers and jeers responded as two wizards hobbled out of the dueling ring. The bloodiest wizard, Hawk, was attempting to heal his wounds by himself in a far corner whereas Jinx was being clapped on the back and congratulated.

"Get your winnings and shut it! We have a new duelist within our midst! Scorpius, step into the ring!"

Blaise smirked, jerking his head to the front. Draco remained impassive, doing as he was told, every eye fixed on him.

He felt the magic brush his skin as he passed through the barrier, reminding him of Granger's wards.

"Scorpius, here, is looking for a challenge!"

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