Chapter 7

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Theodore's flat in Diagon Alley hadn't been what he expected. He had a telly, a bed, two armchairs, and a bottle of scotch.

Nothing but unsaid history stood between them.

"Make yourself at home," Theo said sardonically, handing him his glass.

Draco acknowledged this with a tilt of his glass as he sat, taking a drink.

"Granger says you're a dragon tamer," Draco prompted, looking amused. "I'm sure your father was proud."

Theo snorted, leaning forward so his forearms were resting on his thighs, lazily cradling his glass. "I have it on good authority he was less than pleased." He took a drink. "Not that I give a rat's arse."

"I would've bet galleons you'd become a potions master."

"Get to the point, Draco," he sighed, setting his glass on the floor. "Why are you really here?"

He clicked his tongue. "Theodore, is it wrong to check in with old friends?"

The other wizard simply raised a weary brow, waiting.

He smirked, if Theo truly wanted to skip past pleasantries then he'd oblige. "What do you know about a duelist called Jane Doe?"

Draco could see this wasn't what the wizard had expected but his only tell was the slightest clenched jaw.

"It's a muggle thing, ain't it?"

"I know you've been to the Den, Theodore. Your Eihwaz tattoo says as much."

"For fucks sake, fine," Theo muttered, looking over to him shrewdly. "I haven't been there in years."

"Two years?" Draco guessed innocently.

The wizard simply scowled.

"Three people have been murdered and all are connected to the Den."

Theo's lips were pressed tightly together. "That's unfortunate."

Draco stayed silent, swirling his scotch.

Theo sighed. "Look, as you said, I left two years ago for Romania and haven't looked back. The Den isn't... healthy. People are there for different reasons but it feels impossible to leave. The adrenaline rush was like a drug to me," Theo shook his head. "I enjoyed hurting people and it was fucking with my head. I connected with Charlie Weasley and now I have a job and a fiancé."

"Cheers," said Draco, raising a brow. "And Jane Doe?"

"What about her?"

"You tell me."

Theo leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "She's complicated." He tilted his head, searching his face. "You don't honestly think Jane Doe is behind these murders, do you?"

Draco leaned back as well, finishing his glass. "That's the theory."

Theo snorted. "You're way off, mate."

"Explain it to me then," he said flatly, becoming impatient. "You obviously know her."

"The Den... changes people," he said quietly. "There's more to that place than meets the eye. A... darkness that makes it difficult to leave. With Jane's notoriety, she's essentially trapped until bested."

Draco thought back to the disappointment from Jane Doe after their duel. Had she wanted to lose?

"I tried to have her leave with me to Romania," he said quietly. "And I will take a guess your victims had also wanted to leave. Those that leave are obliviated but I'd wager it's more complicated."

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