Chapter 6

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He took a drink of his Muggle beer, carefully observing the Feltons as they processed the new information given.

Draco gave them brief lessons on the Wizarding world when he stayed for the occasional Sunday dinner to help prepare them for having a magical child. In exchange, they explained something of their world.

Tonight they asked if their child would be treated differently having non-magical parents. He respected them too much to lie.

"Bloody purity," Mr. Felton repeated somberly, shaking his head. "Reminds me how the Holocaust was born."

"What's that?"

The couple glanced to each other before Mrs. Felton stood and ventured to her bookshelf, pulling three books off its shelf.

"Read these," she instructed, setting the pile in front of him. "That's our Miggle... Muggle? lesson for you tonight."

He nodded, shrinking the books and pocketing them in his cloak.

They stared, mouths agape.

Mr. Felton was the first to close his mouth. "So, what are you then? In this blood hierarchy."

"Pureblood..." He hesitated. "I won't lie and say I wasn't raised with these ideals. I believed Muggles were scum... that Muggleborns didn't deserve to learn magic."

"What changed?"

Draco looked away from Mrs. Felton gaze like a coward, his focus on the signet ring on his finger. "I'm still working on it," he said quietly. "You're the first Muggle folk I've ever spoken to."

The silence was terrifying.

He wouldn't blame them for banishing him from their lives.

"Read those books we gave you," Mrs. Felton finally said, her tone brokering no room for arguements. "Pop by for a visit once you've finished."


Two cuppas were gently set in front of him at his table, giving him a pause as he was reading the Prophet's version of his investigation.

He looked up at Granger with a raised brow, trying not to outwardly stare at her tattoos on her arms as she went to sit across from him.

"A wise little boy said a conversation is best done over tea."

Draco frowned at her kind smile, suspicious. She's never smiled at him unless he counted the first time they met on the Hogwarts Express, popping her head into his compartment to search for a lost toad.

Granger tilted her head ever so slightly, brown eyes searching his. "I can go first."

He didn't shy away from her stare, taking a drink of his tea and raising a brow.

She pursed her lips and looked out the window, drumming her fingers on the table. "Theo and I were shagging while at Hogwarts our eighth year."

Draco choked on his tea, setting the cup down harder than intended. She still wasn't looking at him but her lips were quirked into a small smirk.

"Er - isn't he -"

"He is still interested in wizards," she said, her tone amused. "But we were both having a difficult year and grew close. It wasn't the healthiest way to deal with our problems but it worked for us."

She paused. "Eventually we found a different outlet but as far as shags go, I'd say it was top notch." Granger finally turned to look at him with a cheeky grin, unashamed.


Draco shook his head, leaning back in his chair. "What is Theo up to these days?"

"That's your follow-up question?" she asked, looking at him as if he did something wrong.

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