Chapter 5

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Draco grimaced as the Healers levitated the dead duelist onto a stretcher in the familiar alley.

He'd already looked behind the bin where the Eihwaz rune had been last night but it was gone.

"Herald Wilkins," said Potter, joining him near the entrance. He pushed his glasses up his nose with a frown. "Muggleborn that resided mostly in the Muggle World. Moved from the States to Britain about a year ago. No family or friends..."

Potter finally picked up on Draco's foul mood, raising a brow in question. "What's got your furry arse in a clench?"

He glared at his partner; apparently Potter was a bloody comedian this morning. "He called himself the Hawk and lost to a duel last night. I should have stayed here after Blaise and I left-"

"Malfoy -"

"The bodies have all been dumped in the alleyways and after discovering the entrance was in a bloody alley, I should have stayed until the end. So yes, Potter, my arsecheeks are in a clench."

Potter grimaced, thumbs hooking into his trousers pockets. "Nothing we can change about that except do better next time. He doesn't kill every week either."

Draco sighed, looking away. "Or she."

Potter's brows furrowed. "Jane Doe?"

Draco grunted, continuing to canvas the surroundings of the building. "She's like Blaise described. Intelligent and a bloody good duelist."

He glanced over at Potter's apprehensive expression as he mumbled something under his breath.

"Mother said mumbling is a result of poor breeding," he drawled.

Potter gave him a dirty look. "I don't trust, Zabini."

Draco rolled his eyes. "He's been vetted by Minister -" He grimaced. "-Weasley and Shacklebolt. Blaise cut a deal with the DMLE that involves immunity from a different crime he committed."

He didn't trust Blaise, the wizard was a Slytherin after all, but he was doubtful Blaise would bother with a dueling club. He preferred spending his time smuggling dark objects to the Americans, according to a file he'd nicked from the DMLE secretary.

Blaise had been caught with an illegal time turner and was offered a deal a few months ago.

"How's Hermione?" said Potter abruptly, looking impossibly awkward.

Draco glanced at his miserable attempt in being casual. "She's your friend, Potter."

"She's refusing to talk to me until I get rid of her 'babysitter'." Potter said with a scowl. Draco however had to hide a grin. He'd begun tallying how many times she huffed and stomped her foot. "She's so bloody stubborn when it comes to asking for help."

Draco shrugged. "She's hiding something but not many know Granger owns a Café. Rarely do witches or wizard pop in. The robbery could've been a pissed Muggle and Granger forgot to renew her wards."

"Really?" said Potter, taken aback.

He snorted. "No, Potter, she was definitely targeted."

Potter looked relieved to not be overreacting. "Good - I mean - not good - er -"

"You've been more of an idiot as of late," commented Draco, not bothering to elaborate because his partner was predictable in over-sharing.

"Ginny is pregnant," Potter blurted. "Again."

Draco gave him a pitying look. "I wouldn't want to face a pregnant Ginevra on my best days."

"I love her, but -"

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