Chapter 9

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"Harry called."

Draco stiffened at the familiar voice, the tone heavy with disapproval.

He imagined the strangulation of his partner as she continued on, not needing to look to know Granger was scowling at his back.

"He wanted someone to make sure you weren't drowning in whiskey."

Draco rolled his eyes, kicking back the remainder of the amber liquid before nodding at Bones for a refill.

If he'd wanted to drown himself then he had a lovely tub back at the manor to get the job done.

The barmaiden pursed her lips but filled it nonetheless, wincing at whatever look Granger was giving her as she pocketed the galleons he'd pushed towards her.

"Drinking like this is not healthy."

"What do you suggest I do, love?" he drawled, taking a drink. "Pillage the villages every full moon to let off some steam? Sacrifice virgins?"

Those that heard nearby shifted away with scathing looks but Granger only gave an audible huff, sitting next to him.

In his peripheral he could see her curls were in a loose braid behind her shoulder and her vibrant tattoos in full view. She wore only a white vest and he had a great view of her décolletage due to their height difference.

"Harry mentioned something about the usual bureaucratic bullshit-"

Draco snorted without humor.

Right, if being under investigation for bloody murder was bureaucratic bullshit...

"-which I'm sure is not the full truth but he wouldn't say more."

The bruised and bloody face of Cormac Mcclagan flashed in his minds eye and he took another drink, his jaw clenching.

What a fucking mess.

He destroyed Sir Doyle in a duel at the Den, perhaps being a bit over-zealous with his hexes, only for the wizard to show up dead in an alley the next morning.

Now the infamous Tiberius Mcclagan was on a war path for the murder of his precious nephew after learning Draco was involved, though the Wizengamont chairholder did not know the details.

Potter was now leading the investigation while Draco was on "temporary leave" until they collected enough evidence to prove a half-breed wasn't involved in the murders.

He told himself he wouldn't drink but then he made the bloody decision to read the books from the Feltons and now his head was spinning.

"Have you read the book by John Boyn?" he asked, tapping his ring against his glass. "The Boy... in the Striped Pajamas?"

Draco nearly smiled at she completely turned on the barstool to face him, her eyes wide in bewilderment.

"What? I - yes - why-"

"I had a muggle friend," he continued on, the liquor loosening his tongue. "Richard, I think. He went by Rich for short and I remember finding this amusing since he looked poor."

He glanced at Granger, his eyes staying on her's longer than he'd intended.

They were nearly the same color of his whiskey and their shape... reminded him of Jane Doe's.

The enticing witch who had been watching his duel with Mcclagan with a dimpled smile.

He sharply looked down at his tumbler between his hands, giving his head a subtle shake. "I'd visit Rich after breakfast before my gobbledygook tutor came searching for me..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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