Part 10

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A few days had passed and the cases at the hospital started to get lesser. After Meredith's check up they had spent the day in bed, watching a series. Meredith had been sleeping, woke up a few times because of a coughing fit and had fallen asleep again. Andrew had just stayed with her, working on his laptop while she was asleep, cuddling with her while she was awake and not feeling well.

Now, he was downstairs, he had just taken part at an online conference with the hospital staff about the current cases. The call had lasted almost three hours and he was exhausted. He rubbed his eyes with his palms as his phone suddenly vibrated. Curious he pulled it out and saw that he had gotten a text message, from Meredith. He opened it, and smiled as he read what it said: 'Need cuddles'

He closed his laptop, stood up from the kitchen table and walked through the hallway into their provisional bedroom, spotting his girlfriend curled up in the middle, his pillow in her arms. She was adorable but she had never been asking to cuddle with him before which worried him. Normally she would never admit that she wasn't feeling well or wanted his presence. He sat down on the bed and put a strand of hair on her forehead behind her ear, feeling that her forehead was a little warm. Now concerned he felt her forehead again, she most definitely had a fever.

"Mer?" he asked worriedly. "Mhm." She mummed, opening her eyes. "I got your text." He said, smiling a little. "Good." She said, grabbing his arm and pulling him further onto the bed, down on the mattress.

"You have a fever." He stated, rubbing her back as she laid down in his arms. "No, just too many covers." She whispered. "You hadn't had any covers covering you Mer." He said now getting even more concerned. "Really? Well- it was h-hot." She replied, her hot skin burning against his.

"I'm gonna take your temperature, wait a second." He said, carefully standing up, making Meredith frown and sit up on the bed. He went over into the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer from the shelf.

"I'm fine Andrew, I don't have a fever, don't worry." She said, leaning back against the headboard. "I'm afraid you do." He said as he put the thermometer into her ear, making her flinch slightly at the beeping noise. "You okay?" he asked concerned at her sudden behaviour.

"Yes, my ears just hurt a bit and the beeping was a little loud." She whispered as he looked at the thermometer in his hand. "101.8" he said, looking at her a worried look on his face. "You said your ears hurt? Is it an infection?" he then added, taking her small hand in his. She just shrugged, "How would I get an ear infection, I didn't even had a cold or something." She said as he helped her lay down again and she snuggled herself into his chest, her face resting in the crock of his neck.

"We should get you checked out Mer." He said, pulling the blanket up around her to keep her warm. "No, Maggie, Winston, Amy and Link wanted to come over for dinner, I can't be sick right now." She said. "I'm afraid it's not up to you to decide whether you get sick or not." He chuckled sadly.

"What about we drive to the hospital, see what's up, if it is an infection we'll get you some medication and we can still do the dinner party this evening if you feel up to it." He suggested. "Why- can't the universe just leave me alone for a while." She mumbled.

"See the bright side Mer, the universe managed to get us back together." He said, hoping he could light up her mood a little. "Yeah, you're right." She said, and he could hear from her voice that she was smiling.

"Maybe if the universe continues to play with me like that it at least can't hurt you at the same time." She then said suddenly. "What do you mean?" he asked a little confused. "I just- I'm just scared to lose you. So many terrible things are happening and I just- I can't lose you. While we were broken up I realised that I can't live without you. I need you Andrew, more than I thought I ever would. And I just- I feel alive and young and happy when I'm with you and I didn't want to give up on this, on us. You woke up feelings in me that I thought were buried inside of me forever after Derek died. You make me feel safe and loved and I don't want to be without you ever again. And if the universe continues to let awful things happen to me I'm just scared that one day it'll let something awful happen to you because I love you and I can't lose you."

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