Part 14

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"Okay... It looks like you're having an atypical asthma attack." Bailey said after another few seconds of awkward silence.

"We're going to keep you here over night to monitor you and, I really can't believe that I'm saying this, there won't be any sex for the two of you for a while." She added in a stern voice, walking away shaking her head.

He looked back down at Meredith whom was smiling up at him. She still looked extremely tired but her smile was so cute that he couldn't help but smile too. "I was so scared." He then whispered, another few tears leaving his eyes. He felt her grab his hand and squeeze it slightly as Bailey came back over to them.

"You have to take a covid test before I can admit you and I guess since you're going to stay DeLuca I need you to take a test as well." Bailey said, handing them two rapid tests and closing the curtain around the small bed to give them some privacy.

About half an hour later Meredith was laying in an hospital bed and Andrew sat right next to the bed on a chair. "So, s-sex br-aught m-me back in-to the h-hospital" she said, still wheezing a little. "I'm sorry, we should have waited until you're a little better." He said, her small hand in his. "No, it w-was wor-th it." She said, smirking at him.

"Stop it Mer. You're sick and you're at the hospital again." He said warningly but both of them knew that he was just saying that to cover his responsibilities as a good boyfriend and he had enjoyed it just as much as she did.

"But, every-thing's f-fine. I c-can go ho-me to-m-morrow." She said, smiling at him. She was so adorable. He couldn't pretend to be mad at her any longer when she would keep looking at him like that.

"You still have trouble breathing." He said concerned, checking her stats once again. "I'm fine really." She replied, trying to stop him from worrying. "You were unconscious for like five minutes." He replied.

"You want to a-argue with m-me all night?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "No." he breathed, standing up and putting of his shoes before laying down next to her and pulling her closer to him. "What are you thinking about?" he asked after a few minutes of silence. "What m-makes you think that I-I'm thinking about s-something." She asked, still slightly out of breath. "You're all tense and I can literally feel you thinking." He replied, smiling into her hair.

"That's n-not even possible." She whispered. "It is. What's on your mind?" he asked again, rubbing her stomach with his thumb. She was still extremely underweight from the weight-loss while she was in the induced coma so that his hand was literally big enough to cover her whole abdomen.

"It's just, we're at the hospital and here are a lot of covid cases and I'm scared I'll get it again." She admitted quietly after a few minutes of silence. It had always been hard for her to talk about her feelings or fears so he knew he had to give her some time to collect her thoughts.

"Be optimistic?" he said more like a question earning a little giggle from the woman in his arms. "You're terrible at this." She said, still smiling. "We're both not really good at this." He sighed. "Well, that's what makes us a good team." She replied timidly. "Yeah. When it comes to comforting each other you usually ramble about the universe and I just say that everything's going to be okay or 'be optimistic'." He said.

"I don't ramble." She said, trying to sound offended. "I'm afraid to break it to you but you do ramble a lot." He whispered into her ear, kissing her neck. After another few seconds of silence Meredith started coughing softly. "Did you take your meds this morning after I left?" he asked concerned as he rubbed her back soothingly. Still coughing, she shook her head a little. "Okay. I'll have someone get them." He said, pulling out his phone and sending a text to Bailey.

Another few minutes passed before the door opened and Maggie stepped in. "Hey, Bailey told me what happened. I got the medication here." She said, handing them to Andrew whom had sat up to get Meredith a glass of water to swallow them. "Thank you." Andrew said as he sat back down, helping Meredith sit up.

"You're welcome, I'm gonna get home now, bye." Maggie said before quickly leaving the room.

"Here, take those." He said, handing them to a pretty weak Meredith, resting in his arms. She kept swaying so he pulled her onto his lap to steady her and waited until she had swallowed the pill and handed him back the glass she had been holding with both her hands because of what seemed to be a little muscle weakness.

"Maybe you could breathe a little easier if you would take of your mask." He suggested as Meredith was still sitting on his lap, leaning back against his chest. She just shook her head again. "Why not?" he asked, grabbing the remote to move up the bed a little so he could lean back against it with her still on top of him. "Germs." She whispered quietly.

"Have you developed some kind of germaphobia?" he asked confused. "I nearly died." Meredith replied, a few tears leaving her eyes and making their way down her cheeks as he noticed her breathing getting a little faster. "Hey, you have to stay calm Mer, it's okay, there are no germs in here."

"No, w-we have to g-get out of here." She said, trying to sit up but he held her tightly so she couldn't get away. She was slowly starting to hyperventilate. "Please Mer, try to breathe normally." He said, pulling down her mask and placing the oxygen mask on her face.

Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came in. "Her heart rate is rising is everything okay?" she asked since she had noticed the change on the monitors outside at the nurse station. But the presence of a third person in the small patient room sent Meredith over the edge and she started sobbing. "Get her out. Get her out. Get her out." She kept whispering as she turned around in Andrew's arms, trying to hide herself in his shoulder.

"It's okay, I got it." He said to the nurse who left again. "It's alright she's gone Mer, you have to try to calm down." He said, rubbing her back. Her breathing was still a little fast but she seemed to relax a little as the time passed. "I'm sorry." She whispered after her heart rate slowly started to stabilize again.

"It's okay, don't worry." He said, but she shook her head. "I-I d-don't kn-ow what's w-wrong with m-e. I just w-want every-thing to b-e norm-al again." She said, her breathing a little troubled. "Try to breathe. Slow and deep breaths." He said, still rubbing her back up and down.

Her hand trembling, she put the oxygen mask off her face and put her FFP2 mask back on. Andrew wanted to say something but due to the given circumstances he stayed silent. She laid her head back down on his shoulder and he laid down with her against him, pulling the blanket up around her, to make sure she wasn't cold. 

What do you think of that evolution? Hope you liked the part. =)

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