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You were woken up pretty soon after passing out. Mokuba looked pretty concerned. He gave you some more water and sat you up. You were totally fucked. Not just because of the fucking concussion. Hopefully you could lie your way out of this.

"Who is this?" You heard the older brother say.

You told him your name and the story about your runaway dog chunks.

"Why didn't you just knock?" Mokuba asked.

"Rumor is that this place was abandoned." You answered truthfully.

Mokuba laughed a bit nervously. "Nah, we'r-

He was interrupted again by his brother. "Your dog obviously isn't here so you can leave now." He said harshly.

"Seto. Can they stay? They obviously have a bad concussion and shouldn't leave on their own." Mokuba said.

"No. I don't want anyone here." He responded.

They started to argue in front of you. You just sat there awkwardly not really knowing what to do. Should you speak up? What would you say? Sneak out? Nah, they're in. front of the door. Come up with some excuse? That'd probably dig you into a deeper hole. It seemed like the argument was getting a bit heated. You slowly stood up.

"I can just leave." You said leaning on the couch you were on for support.

They stopped fighting and turned their attention to you.

"Are you sure?" Mokuba asked.

You tried to stand on your own and stumbled a bit. "Uh- yeah." You said and tried to laugh off the stumble.

Mokuba looked at you worried. You just smiled to try and make him feel better.

"Ugh. They can stay but not for too long." Seto said coldly as he left.

Mokuba smiled at you once Seto left. "Let's get you cleaned up."

He grabbed you by the hands and led you to a bathroom. It was pretty small, just a toilet and sink. You sat down on the closed toilet and watched as Mokuba dampened a towel.

"I'll be right back!" He said as he handed you the towel and left.

You got up and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had quite a few scratches and dirt stains on you. You wiped up what you could see. Then used your hands to brush up your hair that had gotten messed up. You felt what you thought was dirt, when you pulled it out of your hair you realized it was dried blood.

"Oof" You muttered to yourself.

"Careful! It's still a bit fresh!" Mokuba said as he entered the bathroom.

You saw he was carrying a first aid kit. You watch him pull out stuff to treat you. He sits you down on the toilet and makes you lean your head forward towards him. You feel him move your hair to the side. You flinch and squirm as you feel him mess with the wound on your head.

"It's not that bad, it's just a scratch." He said with relief.

"It sure doesn't feel that way." You joked.

"You know, you're a pretty bad liar." He stated.

"Huh? It does hu-"you were cut off by a stinging sensation and tried to hold in a yelp.

"Not the wound, your dog story. We saw you on the security cams." He said.

You blushed with embarrassment. You felt like an idiot. They could see through you that easily. Oof. You're definitely going to jail.

"We won't report you for anything." He said.

You let out a sigh of relief.

"But.." He started.

"But?" you asked.

"I need your help in exchange for this little b&e." He replied.

You looked up at him. "My help?" you asked.

He forces your head back down and continues to treat you. "I'm not done yet."

"Ow!" You exclaim your neck was starting to hurt from the awkward position it was in.

"Sorry! Yes. I need your help. My brother has become a shut in and I need your help pulling him out." He said.

"You think I can help?" You asked.

"You can try. Or we could go to the police." He said as he finished up.

You raised your head slowly. "I think I can help then" You laughed nervously.

Mokuba started to pack up the first aid kit and you stood up. He led you out to the room you were in before. A living room, you think. It was hard to tell with white sheets covering all the furniture.

"Can I have your number?" Mokuba asked.

"Sure." You said as you pulled your phone at.

You saw you had numerous texts and missed calls from both Alex and Alejandra. Majority of the texts were from Alex with some of the calls being from Alejandra. Your phone was on silent, so you didn't hear anything from your phone. You ignored. The calls and texts for now. You gave Mokuba your number.

"I should head back home. People are starting to worry about me." You told him.

"You're right, it's getting pretty late. I'll walk you out." He replied.

Mokuba leads you through the mansion. You couldn't see much as it was pretty dimly lit in some areas and other areas had no lighting at all. You stuck close to Mokuba in fear you may get lost in the darkness. Soon you ended up out the front door. It was brighter outside than it was inside. You followed Mokuba to the gate where he typed in a code to open the door.

"I'll text you when I need you." Mokuba said as you walked past him.

You waved by to him and walked back to where you and your friends parked the car. You were surprised they were still here. You ran up to them, when they noticed you.

"You guys waited for me?" You asked.

"Yeah. You had the keys." Alejandra laughed.

"Oof" You replied.

"Fuck your 'oof'! Why were you gone so long?" Alex asked.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you in the car" You replied.

You gave Alex the keys since you were in no shape to drive. As you all drove back home you explained what had happened after your fall into the mansion. They explained what happened to them when you fell as well. Security found them trying to jump the fence and they bolted. They ran all the way back to the car and waited nearly an hour for you.

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