Movie Night

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Things were peaceful as the week passed you by. No more texts and phone calls from Alex. Your classes went by pretty smoothly. During classes the rest of the mansion was cleaned up. The whole place was totally different from the first time you came in.

Since the rooms were cleaned you got moved into your own room right next to Mokuba's room. It was nice to have a room to yourself again. Even though you had your own room it wouldn't stop Mokuba from coming over to pester you while doing your homework. He did make a good timer for taking breaks.

During these breaks you both would get stuff from your dorm room and move it into the mansion. Sometimes you'd both just laze around the house and hang out. On rare occasions you would see Seto come out of his part of the mansion. It was usually to grab a canned coffee.

Since you hardly got to see him or interact you thought that would squash the forming crush. Unfortunately, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You often caught yourself thinking about him and the night in the garden.

With the chaos of the week over, you and Mokuba came up with ideas of what to do. It was Saturday night and you were both bored. Mokuba decided it had to be something to get Seto out of the house a little.

"What if we went out to eat?" Mokuba suggested.

"That might be too overwhelming. That's a lot of people and too much attention." You replied.

You both were quiet for a bit thinking.

"What about a movie theater?" Mokuba suggested.

"Still a lot of people. but I do like the idea." You replied.

You thought about it a bit more.

"What if we watch a movie here?" You suggest.

"That's not leaving the mansion though." Mokuba said.

"Yeah but he'll leave his little area of the mansion. We can try to coax him to leave to get snacks with us." You explained.

"That might just work." Mokuba replied.

"Alright! What movie should we watch?" You asked.

"Hmmm... He hates horror and isn't too fond of anime movies." Mokuba responded.

"What about romcoms?" You suggested.

"Nah." Mokuba replied.

You both thought for a while before turning to your phones. You looked up popular movies but nothing was really catching your eye. You were looking through reviews for a movie when Mokuba perked up.

"Let's watch titanic!" He practically yelled.

"Titanic??" You questioned.

"It's a classic and I remember Seto liked that movie." He replied.

"Alright." You shrugged.

It had been a while since you had seen that movie. You kinda forgot what happens in it besides a giant iceberg sinking the ship. You waited as Mokuba went to ask Seto to come join you both for a movie.

It took a bit but eventually both the boys came down the stairs. Since Mokuba went to ask him to join you both for a movie you figured you'd ask if they wanted to go grab some snacks. As they reached the bottom step you got up and approached them.

"Should we go get some snacks?" You suggested.

"I'm down!" Mokuba replied.

Seto looked apprehensive. "We have snacks here." He replied.

"Yeah, I just figured we might want something different." You stated.

"I'm good with what we have. I'll stay here." He said.

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