[6] TF

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"Get your bags fast" Rakshit looked at a frustrated Drishti who was trying to pull her bag but was unable to. She had the largest bag for herself yet it was overweight making it difficult for her to carry.

"You could offer some help, right?"

"I ain't the one who packed two and a half week's clothes for one week. So yeah my answer is no" He smiled at her

"I was confused and you weren't much help, so I packed all that I liked. And yeah I packed shurgs to wear them with my top so don't count them separately" She was still pulling the bag into the drawing room where dadi was waiting for them along with her sister.

"Hurry up!"

"Shut up and help! Dadi!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and dadi came running inside.

Seeing dadi Drishti ran to her and hugged her, making baby faces in the process. "What happened to my dear Drishti?"

"Dadi see. Mr. Shergill ain't helping me and the bag is so heavy" she pouted and dadi glared at Rakshit who gulped and ran to carry her bag.

"Haha, Mrs. Shergill why do you get angry over small things? I told you I'll help, try understanding my jokes too baby" he passed his dadi a smile before lifting the bag and thinking where am I stuck? Why tf should I carry this? How am I going to carry it without breaking my back?

"Lets go Mr. Shergill" Drishti smiled at him and broke the hug. Dadi watched her walk happily towards Rakshit and kiss his cheeks, later petting his hair and leading him on by his coat.

Dadi smiled looking at them while Romi and Divya looked at each other. "You make me listen so much. Why don't you ever do that? Miss perfect ideas?" Romi glared at Divya, not because they were too friendly, mainly because her plans always included things he had to do while his plans had the same.

"Look at her, she's too happy. Why can't you keep me happy like that? Mr. Hiding from work?" Romi went quiet after that and followed her, but mimicking her badly as she walked in front of her.

"Ok dadi, bye" Romi touched dadi's feet and Divya did the same. Shortly after that, they left.

"The boys look happy" Aisha whispered to Lucky and they adored how both the couples behaved in front of them.

"I hope they get along with each other too" Lucky smiled.


Rakshit put the luggage in his car and looked over at his wife who was busy in clicking pictures with her fans. The caretakers of the house were all around Divya and Drishti to get pictures with them which made Rakshit even more angry.

Drishti smiled through all of it and talked to everyone with respect. Divya did the same but she left soon after she noticed she was getting late. As for Drishti, she didn't see the time. She got so absorbed with talking to the caretakers that she forgot she would miss her flight which was actually his private jet. Rakshit knew something like this would happen, perhaps from the way everyone acted when the marriage was decided and they came home for the first time.

He also knew that she will delay the schedule so told her that they were taking a flight to Greece. Drishti was lauging with the staff unaware of the dinosaur getting impateint. It was only a loud yelling that captured everyone's attention and made them realize they were dead.


Shit Drishti thought and turned towards the source of the voice. Seeing an angry Rakshit she penguin walked towards the car and tilted her head innocently. She held her hands together and started moving to and fro on her toes. "Hi!"

"Get inside the god damn car!" He squealed in the same pitch as she did and banged the door when she got inside. "God!" He started moving towards the driver's seat when he noticed the caretakers still standing there. "What are you all waiting for? If I didn't fire doesn't mean I couldn't"

All of them knew the brothers and their anger so they left without any further delay.

Rakshit went to the driver's seat and started driving, also taking a few glances of Drishti who was moving her feet and smiling childishly. Why is she so happy?

"Mr. Shergill!" She yelled of a sudden which made Rakshit apply the breaks in horror. Both of them jerked forward and looked at each other, Drishti passing the same nervous smile and Rakshit his ususal glare.

"What?" He stayed calm, thinking it maybe something important.

"Look, a puppy" she pointed out of the window and smiled widely at him, but when her eyes examined his face carefully she gulped and leaned back in her seat.

"A puppy" he whispered while holding his head. "A god forsaken puppy" he smiled awkwardly "So you were about to kill us because you saw a stray dog's child" he yelled unbelievably and banged his hands on the steering wheel "are you even serious? We could've died"

"It was cute" she whispered

"And you couldn't just stay quiet? Or say politely?"

"You wouldn't have listened politely. You don't know that language" she held her seat belt tightly and started shrinking back when she watched him getting angry. I am officially dead.

"Did you try asking me?" His fist punched his thighs as he looked at her and tried getting the frustration away by smiling. "You should've politely told me"

"You would've polietly asked me to shut up" And she wasn't wrong.

Calm down Rakshit. You are alive. You are alive. The heck she'll kill both if you some day!

"You know what? Don't ever take my name again" Drishti nodded in a yes.

Om the other side Romi was sleeping in his seat while Divya was driving. She wasn't so happy that he was sleeping so decided to wake him up by speeding and applying the brakes suddenly.

She jerked but to her surprise Romi was still sleeping holding the seat belt. "What the- Romi! Wake up!" He didn't move. "Romi Shergill wake up or I'm calling dadi right now!" He still didn't move.

He is actually sleeping she thought and continued driving.

Hah, you fool Romi smiled in his sleep. I am Romi Shergill, not some random fool

Question:- Should I write about Romya's trip too? Not much cuz it will be too long

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