Mailing the first letter

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As Sarah woke up with the others she was getting ready and was making sure that the envelope was ready for her to mail in the post office after breakfast, and after everyone was downstairs for breakfast the king was asking the girls so how was my boys. The girls were shy and blushing and said they're amazing you're highness, and the king knew by how they look that all 3 were in love especially his sons and he asked should we start planning the wedding and Andrew said father I think we need some time knowing each other especially when we're needing to prepare for the ball. Ball what ball? And Andrew said I remember hearing that you were going to have a annual Valentine's Day ball on Valentine's Day right parker and all three were agreeing, and then the king said oh that one yeah it's canceled. But why asked James, because I asked for some certain things for it , and their not coming until March . Well we can help right asked the boys certainly said the girls then I will let you guys have a list and the ball is not canceled, and everyone was happy. And as soon the boys got the list from the king they left to go get it and they got some ingredients for the dessert and the furniture for the castle for that evening and even some decorations. And Sarah went and sent her envelope with her letter to her father. And she felt as she was going someone who had almost like a very deep criminal voice who was stalking her and was saying "hey pretty girl do you want to go for a ride" and he said his name is Luke and his brother is Alix and how that his brother is in prison for a pretty girl who he liked like you, and Sarah was scared on the inside but she said no thank you and that's not what happened and Sarah hesitated what I mean is it was that he was showing love. Said Andrew from the distance, well I hope I can see you at the ball and as soon he finished the sentence Sarah ran into Andrew's arms . And when Andrew asked what happened Sarah said that there was a stalker getting her to be kidnapped, kidnapped ? asked Andrew what was he saying he said that "I was pretty and if I want to go for a ride " and he claims to be the brother of the last stalker that stalked Catherine and said that his brother's name is Alix and his name was Luke, and I saw that the car said the stalker twins, and it looked like a van a kidnapper would have, and then Andrew asked Sarah are you ok no cuts or open scars like James . no I'm fine said Sarah and he was glad that she was ok and he hugged her tight. And when they got back to the palace Andrew told his father what Sarah had witnessed, and he asked Andrew that he claims to be the brother we have locked up right now, and he said his brothers name is Alix and his name is Luke and that he was going to kidnap and stalk your girl, and he had a truck that said the stalker twins. Yes I know it is all a mouthful but that's what happened, and he said I think I heard of those two criminals being the most wanted in all of France, said the king , how asked Andrew, well a queen of Belgium who visited our seasonal gala one time told me about them, before the criminals were stalkers and kidnappers they were, the robber twins in one area, but after getting arrested and they escaped prison they became, the burglary brothers in the other area , and they would steal valuable belongings , like money from the banks of France and peoples precious items , and they even stole a diamond from a museum in Germany and a Neil diamond in a museum in Belgium, were they arrested ? asked Andrew . Yes but they escaped again, and they found ways to hack to systems and make other places be in shortages by hacking and stealing all of the money from the bank accounts. And they were soon arrested and sent to the prison here in Paris and now they escaped and they call themselves the stalker brothers, and their offering up to $349, 600,00000 million euro's for whoever could find them and return them. Said the king, wow replied Andrew I don't what I would do with that much euros, yes so I'm hoping that you boys can help out the city and the girls that you love by removing people that's going to do you no good, said the king . Me and my brothers highly understand and we are going to put our best font forth effort even if it means that we have to find our girl just because she got kidnapped from them, good job . Said the king and then they all sat down for dinner and they had some turkey made freshly from the royal chef, and they all were talking about their day and Sarah asked Catherine if she's ok, and Catherine said yeah I'm fine, and Sarah said I've been your friend since we were 1 so I know what's wrong or what's not by looking at your face and you don't like yourself, what's wrong . I wonder maybe being the jerk dad is since he never loved me, if he missed me, maybe he may Catherine you just got to trust father and give him a chance just like how you did with James, but James is different said Catherine . You may encounter things that you never knew you would, and after dinner Catherine decided to write a letter to test her father's love all mighty love, and then she was getting into her pajamas and was getting ready for bed and was starting to write while Andrew was showing Sarah in his room in the upstairs, and he made a laid back watch area and she was siting next to Andrew and they used the telescope to look at the constellation, and the planets. And Alison was teaching parker some fun things like board games, and they were playing it. And Sarah said as she was cuddling with Andrew I wish we had this beautiful night like this and stay beautiful, and Andrew said yeah I wish, and as Alison and parker were going a little too far she was then saying that parker I got that feeling again, you do said parker, i something to say I do too and he kissed Alison. And James went to Catherine's room and said hey miss stays in the bubble of comfort zone what you feel like doing. And Catherine said I feel like going with you hanging around in your room and seeing what we can do , and they did , I remember last time coming here was helping you with your scar , and I was having that argument too, and you didn't have the feeling like you have right now. And then as Catherine said stop in a flirtatious way . And then Catherine was listening to stories that James offered to share with her and then he asked to her share some stories which she did, and at the end of the day all of the girls slept in the boys bedroom with them but not like that.

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