The day one gets a letter but the other one is mailed

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As soon the girls woke up they said "is this a result of what happened last night, " and as the girls got dressed for the day, they were downstairs for breakfast and then they all seemed like their normal selves and was talking about last night. And after breakfast some of them were left in charge with the duty of getting ready for the ball. And some had gone out and that was Catherine and she went to the post office and was sending a envelope with her letter. And then was catching up with the others and after doing their errands they went back to the palace and the girls had dance lessons with the prince after dinner. And after their dance lessons they all had explored the castle since the only place they visited was the bedrooms. And the girls were needing to get some princess lessons from a private tutor, so the king hired one since he couldn't let the girls have any comments saying that half of the girls are not princesses, and once after January passed they became full pledged princesses from a princess school. And after that was done they were needing to know the dress code, and they did and the girls looked far and wide for some beautiful dresses even for some dresses in town because their dresses were gone for some reason, and then they saw a outlet with all evening dresses and some stuff for formal events. And in the meanwhile back in London Sarah's father said master look I got a letter from my daughter , that's nice Sebastian. I wonder what she is probably doing and I hope she is enjoying it there , and as he read he said I'm so proud of you my sweet princess, my daughter is enjoying herself and found herself a person who loves her, and as ciel heard that he thought what if maybe his daughter is doing the same thing and instead of feeling of not liking her prince she has . Sebastian said ciel, yes master do you think my daughter is probably going to be do the same thing, to be honest yes replied said Sebastian, I'm going to plan a meeting with the king. Master I wouldn't do that, because kids like these only have a chance of love at these years and it's their year of exploring new things so let your daughter explore a little just like how mine is. Meanwhile back in Paris the girls were in the shop buying some evening dresses for the ball, and Sarah tried on a beautiful dress that was a red classy dress that was a mermaid shape and it's right waist area was tightened and the top was tightened too and the left and right area top area of the top were small ruffles and the shape of the top was straight , and there was no sleeves but a beautiful red cape that would be most of it see through and most of it would drape down. And the cape would connect with a thin red ribbon, and Sarah said no we're going to a ball and the second dress was a v shaped top with a small classic off the shoulder sleeves and there was a mini skirt and it was a two peice and there was an opening cut for showing her shoes and the rest of the skirt was made out of satin skirt. And she tried a pair of black heels and and she wore a beautiful diamond necklace and she wore a tiara from the palace. And she was buying the necklace shoes and dress, and she put back in her backpack her tiara, and Alison immediately fell in love with her dress she was a v shaped corseted top and it was covered in complete diamonds and it went as a leaf area to the skirt part was a normal skirt. and the skirt was a sky blue almost see through skirt and it came with a sparkly swirled choker that was a cape and the cape color was a light blue almost see through too, and just like Sarah's , Alison's cape was a draped cape and she paired it with some diamond heels and her tiara and she was going to buy the dress and the shoes and she put the tiara in her backpack and Catherine tried a pink corseted top with a ruffled sleeve that came from the front and the skirt was a normal skirt type and it was a velvety material and she tried on another dress cause she didn't like the skirt and there was another dress she got to try on and it was a sapphire blue and the top was a bustier top and the skirt part was a normal skirt and the entire dress was covered in a sparkly moon look and the sleeves were tied knot ribbons that made at each area a small cape and she tried some sparkly shoes that were white and some fancy moon necklace's and her tiara, and she was going to buy the dress and necklace and shoes and she put back her tiara in her backpack and the girls bought the things they needed. And as soon they got the letter in London ciel said. SEBASTIAN,yes my lord said Sebastian. come over here my letter from my daughter is here and I need to read this and I need you, said ciel. Certainly said Sebastian, as he was coming to see what was the problem with the master. And as he got there ciel read it, SHE'S WHAT! , SHE'S IN LOVE! , SHE IS LIKING IT OVER THERE BETTER THAN HERE! , SHE WANTS TO EVEN GET MARRIED!, SHE SAID IM NOT RIGHT, me her father she thinks her father is wrong! , and she even thinks I may even miss her, you're hearing this Sebastian. Said ciel, yes master, again like i said you have to sometimes let your kid make the decisions no I'm not going to do that, and this time i have someone better than the king and it's going to be good.

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