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Hey guys!! I have decided to post at least 2 times a week. I feel like thats fair right? If yu dont think so just let me kno!! Do yu like this Kiingtong edit? I made it my self and thought it would be cut to put there. Let me know what yu wanna see for a picture!! And again leave a cmmnt and a voteif yu enjoy the chapter! Sorry for the typos or misspellings... Im terrible! <3

We walked off the plane and into the airport. We went through all of the boring airport stuff.
We walked to the exit and out through the doors. I pulled out my phone and called Will. He answered his phone on the 3rd ring.
"Hello?" He said in a tired like voice.
"Were yu asleep.... If yu were i can call back layterr?" I spoke kind of quietly.
"Ummm yeaaa...but its time to get up anyways... What did you need?" He sounded semi-awake now.
"Ohhh i was just telling you that we got off our plane saftley and that were in Boston!" I said with excitment in my voice.
"Ohhh okayy... Well i guess i will see you layterr then Raven. I love you." As i heard those words my stomach churnned and i felt all bubbly inside.
"I love you too Will."
We ended the call at that.
I then realised we didnt have a car. I told Bailey to call an Uber. Not even after 30 seconds of me telling her that, a black car pulled up right infront of us. The driver got out and asked,
"Are you Ms.Grimes and Ms.Greene?" He tilted his head a bit as he asked.
"Ummm yess sir we are?" I asked a bit questionably and conserned.
"If you would please get into the car and i will drive you to your hotel." Me and Bailey just looked at each other with confused looks. She was probably thinking the same things i did. But we just shrug it off. We got in the Uber despite the confusion and the fact that he was probably a rapist/murderer.
After about 10 minutes of silence and awkward small talk with "Bradley", we had finally arived at the hotel.
I went to go pay him, but he said its already been payed for. I was confused but said "Okayy and Thank You!" He said its no trouble at all, probably because he does it for a living. As i turned twards the Hotel i gasped a bit im amazment and nervousness overwelmed me.
I suck..... Im sooo terrible at writing..... But i promis the story will be getting somewhere soon.... Mabey next week! Ughh...... Again if yur reading this.... Im sorry, i suck..... But anyways I love yu all!! <3

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