Simple Updates...

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Noo dont freak out im not discontinuing it soo early...
But Heyy guys sorry i havent been writing and updating for awhile. Ive just been soo freakin busy lately.... And the past 2 weeks ive been sick sooo.... Yay mee....
And idk what yu think about the "posting twice a week" thing, but i decided aginst it.... Ik i said in previous chapters that that is what i would do, but nahh... Im probably just gunna post once a week, dont have a day tho, just sometime within the week....
But yeaaa.... Im gunna go on a "sensitive" topic here.... The Cube.
Like latley the Cube has been doing soo many amazing things! Like going to LA and all tht good stuff. But then..... Bayani posted a video saying he left. It actually hit me a little bit to be completley honest with yu... I mean i saw it coming... After Ryan said tht he left The Cube and tht him Jordan and Maclean were living together, i knew tht sooner or later Jordan would leave as well....
And the thing with The Cube doing buissness with "Maker Studios".... Idk... I hope tht good things are to come with it....
But yeaa im gonna post a video in the thing... Be sure to watch all of it if yu already havent. Its Bayani's video about "leaving Cube."
But anyways guys... I love yu, and i will post layter this week sometime! <3

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