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Ahoyy there guys! Soo... Heres just a little chapter. Its like 8 in the morning when i started writing this.... With no sleep!! Yeaaaa... Thts my schedule, stay up all night untill like 8 morning and then go to sleep, and not wake up till 3 in the afternoon... Who needs sleep righ? Sleep is for the weak! But anyways, i hope yu enjoy this little chapter! I love yu.
"Raven. Wake up." Bailey said shaking me a bit.
"Hmm what?!" I quickly sat up in my chair and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the time and saw 3:15pm.
I looked out the window of the plane and saw we had landed. I unbuckled my seat belt and stood up. I quickly grabbed my luggage and got off the plane. I trugged through the airport still feeling really exhausted. I checked my phone and saw 2 texts from Will.
'Heyy. I hope your okay. Im safely home and unpacked. I miss you.'
The other had read.
'Heyy. Call me when you can. Im gunna guess that your on your flight. So call me when you get off. I love you.'
I rubbed my eyes once again, and read it one more time.
'I love you.'
Everytime he would say it, over text or not, i couldnt help but blush and get butterflies.
Even though i was off the plane, i didnt wanna call him just yet. I wanted to go through all thT boring airport stuff before i did.
Bailey and i walked over to the "luggage carousel" as we like to call it just talking about what were going to do when we get home. When i looked over i saw a very familiar face. I stared at her trying to figure out where i might know her from.
The meet up!
She was the girl in the red flannel!!
I quietly walked over to her.
"Where are you going?" Bailey asked holding the luggage.
"Hold on like two seconds!" I replied.
"Grace?" I said as i tapped her shoulder.
She whipped around quickly as if she was about to slap someone in the face. She lookes me in the eyes and noticed it was me. She hugged me for a moment and said
"Heyy! What are you doing here? Are you stalking meee?" She said kinds sarcasticly. I just kinda laughed at her.
"I live here in Dallas! An im assuming you do to?"
"Well yeaa! This is so cool! Okayy... Well i have to go, moms waiting. Ughh i will DM you on Twitter later?!" She said before leaving with her mom. She still lives with her mom? But shes like 18?
Well then again. Theirs 25 year olds living with their parents so.
I waved her off and walked back to Bailey who was obviously on the phone, so i just sat there quietly waiting for her to get off. I took this opportunity to check Twitter. I saw alot of tweets from the Cube saying
"What a fun trip! Im really gunna miss these guys!" And attached to them were some pictures.
One tweet had caught my eye though.
Will had retweeted a picture.
The caption said
"Awhh how cute are they? I ship it! #Riingtong!!"
I waited for the pictures to load, and it was pictures from outside the convention when it was really cold, and me and Will were all snuggled up together. There was one where i was kissing him, and the white snow glistening off his hair. It was like something you would see on Tumblr.
I took my time and retweeted it. It was really cute. I took a screenshot of it and saved it as my background. I then replied to her.
"This is awesome!! Even though im the one in the picture, is it okayy if i steal this? :P"
It doesnt matter if she said no, cause i did it anyway.
I locked my phone and put it in my pocket when i looked up and saw Bailey off the phone.
I grabbed my luggage and started walking with her.
"Who was that?" I asked her.
"Ughh... It was Ray. He was wondering when he needs to be here." She said kind of annoyed.
Ray, was her 24 year old brother. Over protective of her, but its cute. I can just imagine how bad hes gunna react when he finds out about her and Jordan. Yikes! I kind of chuckled at the thought.
"Hes here." Bailey said, looking at her phone noticing that he texted.
"Mmmkaaay... I cant wait to get back into my own bed, in my own house." I said.
"Meee neither. I wonder if Prismarine and Captain are okay. Do you think moms took care of them?" She asked kind of worried like.
"I freaking hope so! I miss my cat! As soon as i get their, im gunna lay in bed, turn on some Netflix, and snugle with my cat!" I said excitedly.
We walked out the doors and saw my black Ford Mustang sitting there. (Yes, i actually own one irl.)
Yep... Theres Ray.
I had left him my other set of keys so he could pick up my car after we left.
"You better hop out the seat you little shit." I told Ray as i walked over to the drivers side.
"Nooo lemme drive it some more... Pleaaaase!!" He begged!
Haa! 24 year old man begging a 18 year old girl to drive her car. Huh... Something you dont see every day.
I laughed at him and just agreed. I put my luggage in the trunk and sat in passenger seat while Bailey was in back.
We arrived in the house within 20 minutes.
I walked in the door to be greated by a clean house and perfect little pets.
I drug my luggage to my room amd just layed it down. I will unpack it layterr.
I went to the fridge and pulled out a cold Dr.Pepper.
I sat down on the couch and was soon joined my little cat, Prismarine.
Gahh, i misses this little cat. I petted her and she just purred and layed down right beside me.
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter.
I non-creepily went on Wills twitter, and looked at his most recent post.
'I really miss her.😓'
Then it hit me. I forgot to call him.
I quickly got off the app and called him.
"Hello?" He said in a raspy voice.
He had probably just woke up, well i probably woke him up.
"Heyy baby!" I said enthusiastically.
"I just got off my flight and made it home safe and sound. I just thought i would call and tell you, so you wouldnt freak out."
"Its okayy babe. Im glad you called. You know i really miss you."
"I really miss you too Will. I love you." I replied.
"I love you too." You could here him smile as he said it.
Gosh he was cute.
"Okayy. Well, i will talk to you layterr babe. I can fit in at least 2 hour of sleep before i go visit my mom at 7." I told him.
"Okayy. Well have fun, stay safe." He told me.
"I will. I promise. I love and miss you babe! Byee!"
"I love and miss you too! Bye!"
We ended the call at that. I through my empty Dr.Pepper can in the trash and went up to my room.
Like i had told Will, i was going to sleep before i visit my mom.
-=+=- 2 hours layter. -=+=-
I woke up to Bailey rummaging around the house. Just in time too, i needed to get ready.
"What are you doing?" I asked her simply.
"Ughh... Bout to go to town and pick up some more animal food, and a few things for around here, like food wise." She announced.
"Okayy, well im about to go visit mom, sooo... " i said unfinished.
"Okayy... Well, will you take me down by my moms house so that way i can see her and see if Ray can take me places?" She asked.
"Yess ma'me! But first, lemme get ready!"
I rushed upstairs and took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and put on my 2008 MyChemicalRomance World Tour shirt, my light colored holy jeans, and my black converse.
I put on my eyeliner and mascara, walked downstairs.
"Lets go!" I yelled as i grabbed my keys off the bar and walked out of our apartment.
I got in the car and started it up just as she walked out the door.
She got in the car and i pulled out of the driveway, and onto the road.
10 miniuts later we pulled into a really long driveway leading to a two story tan house.
I turned off the car and went with Bailey inside. I just wanted to say 'hi' to everyone for a moment.
As soon as we walked in the house, the smell of steak and barbecue sauce filled my nose.
"Heyy Raven!" Baileys mom said. "Are you staying with us for dinner?" She asked politely.
"Ohh no, as much as love steak, i have to be at my moms her ina bout 15 miniuts, i was just sayin hi to everyone!" I replied.
"Okayy, well have fun with at your moms! We will see you layterr i guess!" Baileys Dad shouted through the house.
"Okayy, i will! I will see yall layterr!" I yelled back. I gave Bailey a hug and left.
10 minutes layterr i had arrived at my mums house. Me and her were just chit chattin and stuff. She had made a special meal just for me.
*insert fav meal here.*
"Sooo... How are things witg you and Will? I heard that he went to Pax and that you two hung out alot." She said in a flirtatious way. Wiggling her eyebrows. I just laughed at her and replied.
"Hes fine. And yes, we did hang out most of the time, but we didnt frickle frackle (wise words of claudiakitten )
And we didnt plan to either." I kinda lied to her. I mean we almost did, which i guess was planning too. I dont know.
She dies laughing at the way i used 'frickle frackle' and i just laughed with her, cause its pretty funny.
Just that moment, my older brother Brandon walked in through the front door.
"Bobby!" I yelled as i jumped from the highstool and ran up to him and gave him a giant bear hug.
"Heyy Rave!" He said wrapping me uo in a tight hug.
We released hugs and sat down at the bar. Just talking about his work, where ive been, where hes been, ya know, all that catch up stuff.
I had went up to the bathroom, to go clean my self up after dinner. And on my way back down, i heard my name involved. I slowly and very quietly sat at the top of the stairs, eavesdropping a little bit.
"Ohh yea. Shes still doing okayy. Shes had a break down here and there, but shes been alright. Ever since we cam back from London she hasnt had near as many as break downs. It's probably because of that boy." She said sitting at the table talking to Bobby.
Talking about my mental health. He was always kinda worrisome when it came to Me and my health. I mean i understand why he would, but i dont know.
"Boy? Are you talking about the one that she was hanging out with all last week?" He said pulling out his phone looking at the pictures. He turned the phone twards mum.
"Awhh arnt they cute? Im not gunna lie to you here Bobby, i think she picked a good one." She said satisfied.
I sighed in relief and walked down the stairs.
"Sorry it took so long, i had to get the stain off my pants" i said jumping of the last step.
"Its fine dear. So, will you like to tell us about Pax and that one boy?"
My face blushed a little bit, but i told them anyways. I had explained all of Pax, and the parts that caught most of their attention, is when i would talk about Will.
"Will you tell us more about This 'Will'?" Bobby said curiously.
"Well," i said going into deep thought.
"Hes amazing. He has really soft hair. He always smells good. He has the cutest british accent."
I drifted off, but still talking.
"His smile. His smile is so perfect. It worth at least a million dollars, it could light up NewYork after dark. On the coldest days, he is still really warm. Everytime im around him, i cant help but smile. I feel like a better person in genral when im around him. God. He is so perfect. I used to think that nobody was perfect, and then i met him."
I came back to reality and saw that Mom and Bobby were just staring at me. I started blushing really bad.
After about a minute of awkward silence, i got up and said goodbye to Bobby and Mum.
As soon as i walked out the door, i walked to my car i had called Bailey to see if she was ready. She said she would just meet me at the house.
The whole ride home, i kept thinking about Will. And what i had told mum and Bobby.
I missed him.
As i pulled up in the driveway, a single tear fell down my cheek.
Oh God, i cant be crying.
I walked into the house and changed into some pj's.
I turned on some music to my phone and just layed in bed.
I layed in bed, just thinking about life and stuff.
Next thing i new, i was sound asleep.
Ahoyy there guys! How was yalls day today?
Mine? It was pretty okayy.
Yea. I had cheesecake... It was amazing.

Anyways... I hope yu really liked this weird, chapter.
I mean, its kinda weird, but not Graser weird.

Actually, speaking if Graser...
I posted somthing on Twitter yesterday, and i thought yu should read this, if yu dont have Twitter.
If yu do.
Why arnt yu following me?
Shameless self promoooo. Lol.
Anyway, the tweet saiid...
Grasers laugh sound like Satan taking a bubble bath. With rubber ducks and toy boats."

Idk... Im freaking weird.

Anyways guys, i love yu i hope yu enjoyed this chapter!
If yu did, leave a favorite, and be sure to comment what yu would like see.
❤️StayPositive, my friend❤️
😌Be Happy😌
✌️Whaleee is out. I will swimm with yu guys layterr!✌️

Irresistible. •A Kiingtong fanfic•Where stories live. Discover now