Flash back.

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Heyy guys!! I need as much advice as i can get with these chapters, because i suck major ball sacks. But yeaaa i kinda got to cut this authors note short because i have a ton of studying to get done for my state finals. but yeaaa sorry for all the typos and stuff... still getting a bit used to this new keyboard. even tho i have had it for like 2-3 weeks...i just suck. Do yu guys like the long chapters... Idk....anyways dont forget to leave a vote! <3

Bayani and Will had left our hotel room and went to theirs to record while Bailey and i stayed here and unpacked.
A bit after they had left, we had everything unpacked and set up, chargers, computers, our laptop on the charger, and we even had our X-Box set up, because we were going to be staying there for a whole week and a half. I then sighed really exauhsted like and plopped face down on my bed. Bailey plopped down next to me and pulled the laptop off the charger and layed it down next to us.
"Get your lazy butt up and watch Netflix with me!" She demanded.
I looked up at her, sighed and nodded my head saying yes.
I got up and got one of the bags off the counter and pulled out a box of popcorn. I pulled out a bag and before opening it i looked at her asking if it was okayy, she then nodded and i proceded to make the popcorn. I pressed thr button on the microwave and walked away. On the way back to the bed i grabbed 2 Dr.Peppers out of the fridge and handed one to Bailey. She nodded her head in thanks while drinking out of it.
She had pulled up Netflix and then the microwave "dinged". I rushed up trying to get to it quickly and misserably faile, i had tripped over the laptop cord and faceplanted. I was just laying there with my face in the carpet and laughing extremly hard, i could tell Bailey was doing the same. I then heard my phone ring. It was Will. I answered still laughing a bit.
"Yess William?" i said with a bit of giggle.
"Are you guys okayy? I just heard a loud thump and wanted to make sure one of you two didnt die." he said jokingly.
I started bursting out laughing uncontrollably again, and ended up answering.
"Yeaaa i was going to get the popcorn out of the microwave and tripped over the laptop cord, but yeaa im fine."
"Okayy well watch yur step next time!" he said laughing. Im guessing he had me on speaker because i heard Bayani laughing in the back ground as well he then continued.
"Okayy well i guess i will see you guys tommarow. I love you Raven, be careful, we dont want you to get hurt!" He kind of giggled a but.
"Okayy Will, I love you too. GoodNight Bud."
We ended the phone call at that. I then got up and got the popcorn and poured it into a big bowl.
"What are we going to watch?" I said questionably.
She smirked a bit and said
"The Walking Dead."
I just giggled at her for a miniute. I found it pretty weird how our last names were the same as 2 of the main charachters in the show.
I walked to the bed while eating some popcorn, and sat down.
she pressed play and we began the marathon.
-=+=- 1 episode in. -=+=-
After the end of the first episode of season 5 ,witch we both have already seen, she turned and looked at me.
"How did you even meet Will if you had lived in Dallas pretty much your whole life?"
I stared into space for a moment befor answering.
"We had met 2 summers ago, when me and my family had went on a buissness trip to London with my dad. We went to a fair, and knowing my nosey self, i wandered off and got lost, and ran into him. I told him i was a big fan of his YouTube and then i guesse he thought i was pretty cool, because he asked me to hang out with him, and of course i said yes. Within the 2 months i was in London, we were the best of friends! We always hung out together, like almost everyday. Even after I had moved back, we had obviously stayed in touch. And here we are right now, with him on the other side of that wall."
I had said the last part kind of enthusiastically. She sat there for a moments, like she was trying to process what she had just been told. She finally spoke up again.
"Do yu actually "Love" Will like yu say you do, just as friends, or is it somthing more?"
I just sat there almost frozen for a moment, kind of reminesing on some things. And then i rememberd what had happened the day i left. I had kissed Will.
-=+=- Flash back.-=+=-
Me and Will were in his bedroom just playing X-Box, Call Of Duty to be specific, like any other normal day. After the round had ended, we laughed at the way he got the last kill. After we were done laughing for a moment, we both looked up and stared into eachothers eyes, the space between our faces gradually getting smaller and smaller with every moment. The next thing i knew our faces had met and our lips were touching, kind of moving in sync. His lips felt so perfect there aginst mine, like they were ment to be there. The kiss was so pationate and full. We sat there for what felt like forever, and to be honest, i could have sat like that forever if it were possible. His arms had found my waist and almost completely filled the gap in between us. My arms sneaked there way around his neck. A few seconds have past, and of course at the most perfect moment, my phone rang. We released and looked at eachother for a moment and then again i had realised that my phone was ringing. I answered with hesitation.
A few moments later i had hung up and looked at Will who seemed to still have a confused look on his face.
"My parents are her, and were heading to the airport, then back to Texas we go." i announced breaking the silence. He looked still a bit confused, but you could see the worried in his eyes, but he jsut nodded and stood up walking twards the front door and opening it for us. He stepped out on the front porch with me and we just looked into eachothers eyes and he opened up his arms, envolping me into a large hug. I burried my head into his chest and my eyes began to water. He started shaking and then i realised that he was trying not cry aswell. I then broke the hug, not daring to look up at him, i slipped away and walked to the car and got in and plugged in my headphones and stareted listening to "Save me a spark" by Sleeping With Sirens. I looked out the window as we drove off and saw him just sittin there on his porch with his eyes and face all red. He was crying, but he wasnt alone, because i started crying as well.
-=+=- End Flashback. -=+=-
I then realised i had been staring into space and opened my mouth to speak.
"Yes, i think i do."
Sorry i skipped Thursday!! I was really busy!! But i hope yu can forgive me!! Soo yeaa here is an extra long chapter for yu fellow Cubesters!! I love yu guys!!❤️

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