The End...

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Heyy guys, sooooo I know what yur thinking...

"Whaaaatt?! Why?? This isn't even that long of a book!" orrrr "Yayyyy shes done... no more having to wait for an update!"

Weeeeeell yur right, and this is the end...

I have just decided that I don't wanna write on this anymore, but perhaps a new project might arise...

buuut, I'm not gunna just leave yu hanging without an end, I have an 'epilogue' prepared, but first, backstory...

Soooo after the LA trip, its 6 months before Will and Raven get to see each other, but within those 6 months, Raven makes a few new friends, some of yu may know him as "TBNRfrags with a few other people, and yu know how every party goes in a basic fanfic like this, Preston and Raven hook up... annnnd someone takes a picture, and drunkenly not knowing any better, post it on their Snapchat story. Will ends up seeing it, causing them to get into a huuuuge fight, and break up. She didnt react well,  but she didn't react like she did in that one dream she had... Preston, feeling reaaaally guilty, tries making it up to her, by spending a lot of time with her, and making her feel a lot better, but something just doesn't exactly feel right. He knows she is still in love with him, but yet, he loves her, and she loves Preston, just not as much as she did Will... One night, Preston sits down with Raven, and talks to her about it, and he tells her that he only wants her the happiest she can be, so he tells her to go be with him, and pulls a plane ticket out of his pocket,and hands it to her, and Raven being to emotional little weenie that she is, breaks down, but takes Preston up on his offer. The plane was leaving at 3:00pm the next day. She woke up the next morning, to Preston by her side, she starts packing, while he cooks, and at 2pm, he hugs her, and kisses her goodbye, wishing her the best. She gets to the airport, does the boring ass airport stuff, and leaves for Great Britan. Once she gets there, she orders an Uber, and heads to Williams apartment. His beautiful sister (idk if he acyually has a sister or not, but this is a made up stoey anyways, sooo why the hell not?), Sophie, opens the door, with a shocked expression, and gives her a hug, she didnt hate her, but they maintained friends, even tho what had happened. Raven goes upstairs to Wills room, keeping in mind tha he still has noooo idea that she is there, and opens the door, with sooo many mixed emotions, and once she sees him, the only thing she does is break down, leaving him sitting there at his computer desk in complete shock. He picks her up, and calms her down, both of them still overwhelmed with soooo many different emotions, tears coming down both of their eyes, a beautiful moment actually, he kisses her, and it fills as if they are both complete again, no more worries, (except when they have to explain everything ;-; wow that's gunna be awkward) they end up having a very calm conversation abou everything, and then they go to sleep, and yea, yu get my drift.

Well, theres the back story, sooo nooooowwwww for the best part in my opinion, the epilogue. Going back to the normal Raven pov, for one last time... This epilogue takes place 3 years later...

"I woke up, my eyes slowly fluttering open. I look to my side, realizing that Will was no longer by my side, witch wasn't exactly an abnormal thing, because he was probably down in the basement recording. I look at my phone. March 28, 10:26am. As soon as I read the date, the only thing I could think of was Will... It was our 3 year anniversary. I locked my phone, and stared off to the ceiling in thought, just reminiscing on how far come.

We met in London.

Currently living in LA.

Hes a full-time Youtuber, and im a real estate agent.

We should be expecting to see our precious twins, boy and girl, in September, we have decided to name them Samantha Dean Kiing, and Rylan Augustus Kiing. 

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