The rest of Pax...

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Heyy guys! Soo ik that the picture doesnt exactly fit the story, but i have an explanation! Soo as yu guys may know, the Cube elections for King and Queen have begun, and Kiingtong is running for King, and Tybzi is running for his Queen! Now I totally want Will to be king and Tybzi to be queen... And the picture, i have posted it on Twitter and said "Will after the elections are over" because he just might be king, soo go vote #Kiingforking!!
I had woken up pretty early the next morning. I look over to my side to see the adorable Will asleep with a quiet little snore. I slowly got up out of his bed, making sure not to wake him.
I walked over to the desk and grabbed my laptop before slowly walking out of the room. I looked out the window to see a beautiful sunrise. The sky was exploded with shades if yellow, orange, pink and blue. It was amazing.
As i marveled at the sunrise, it had hit me, why the hell was i up so early? I rubbed my eyes and went to my room. To see that Bailey and Bayani had made their way into my room sometime earlier that night. Jordan moved a bit as i walked through the door, but im glad he didnt wake up.
I put my laptop on my desk and layed down on my bed. I layed down on my bed and just remembered about last night, the butterflies returned just thinking about it! I checked the time on my phone. 7:13 am. I quickly unlocked it and looked at Twitter. Nothing really there. In mid scroll, i had caught the word "prank" and got really excited. I quickley got back, but very so quiet, and went back down the hallway to Wills room. I woke him up and said "babe! Come on, i have an idea!"
His eyes fluttered open. He smiled as he looked at me.
"Well good morning to you too." He said stretching.
"I have i prank i want to pull on all the guys, and Bee and Bailey!" I said excitedly. I whispered the plan in his ear. He just laughed and agreed to it. I went to the search bar on my phone, and searched "police sirens." Will got his camera, and as we walked out, we spoted Mark. Mark looked at us questionably, and we had explained the prank to him. He just smiled and asked if he could record it. We agreed. We walked into the room of our first victim. Graser10. I quietly walked over to his bed as Mark stood at the door, and Will was over by the closet. I hit play and the sirens went off. He jumped up at least 3feet in the air! He was soo scared, at first I thought he pissed himself! Mark and Will were laughing so hard they were crying! Graser stared at us, if looks could kill, we would be dead right now!
"Why did yall do that yall scared the fuck outta me!" He said. He didnt look serious, but he didnt look happy either.
I went up to him as he was still sitting up on his bed.
"Awhh im sorry G!" I gave him a hug, he smelt like pizza and Axe. Kinda weird. I expected him to smell like that.
"You know I love yu Graserr... And if yu want, yu can join us get the other guys!"
"Nahh, as much as i would love to, i have to get a shower, and get dressed for today!" He replied.
I nodded, and joined Mark and Will in the hallway. Next up, Straub and Bee.
I walked into there room, they were soooi cute! They were cuddling! But you could hardly hear anything over Straubs snoring, I walked up to the bed and pressed the button. Bees eyes opened and she streched while just looking at us. Straub woke by her moving around. The snoring stoped and all you could hear was the sounds of the siren.
"What are yall guys doin?" Straubs Australian accent sounding kinda tired. I pressed the stop button.
"We were gunna scare yall, but never mind!" I said all sassy like.
"Sozz dude." Straub said while streching.
"You guys suck!"
I turned around while walking out the room with Mark and Will behind me.
"Okayy guys, i think that will be it for now, i will see yall ina bit." I heard Will say behind me as i layed down on the couch. Mark had walked off somewhere else in the house. Will picked up my legs and sat down, and replacing them on his lap.
"Well that was fun." His british accent was music to my ears.
"It was, glad i thought of it." I smirked.
He turned his head and looked at me.
"I love you."
"I love you too Will."
He reached over and kissed me.
"Awhhhh! It is real! #Riingtong is real!" Parkers loud voice echoed through the house.
I just looked up and laughed at him.
Brayden moped in the kitchen and made himself a glass of orange juice.
"How did you sleep Brayden?" Parker asked.
"Fine, untill i was woken up by some sirens. I tried to go back to sleep when they went off, but they started up again." He answered.
"Yeaa thats why me and Liam woke up too." Parker stated. Looking at Liam on the other couch.
Me and Will looked at eachother and laughed. About that time, im guessing Mark heard it as well because he came in the door laughing.
"Whats so funny?" Ryan said as he was walking in the kitchen. Parker, Liam, and Rusher looked confused as well.
"Well, Raven, Mark and I all pulled a prank on Graser, Staub and Bee. And that was the sirens that yall heard this morning. And might i add, a very hilarious prank it was." Will said.
They all looked pretty confused still, so we explaned what happened this morning.
"That is awesome! Did yall at least film any of it?" Brayden asked.
"Every single bit." I answerd.
"Lets go get some breakfast eh?" Mitch said while walking downstairs.
"Sounds good to me." Graser said. "Lets wake everyone up and get ready."
I ran up stairs and woke up Bailey and Jordan. Dul right behind me, waking up Julio, and Devon. After they were up, we woke up Tofuu, Poke, Grape, Kevin and Tybzi.
After everone was up and ready, Graser called up a couple Ubers.
After they arrived, we all decided on what to get for breakfast. We decided on a kinda fancy place that was kinda like Dennys.
After breakfast, we headed back up to the convention center to enjoy some more of Pax.
-=+=- Time skip. Of Pax because im lazy. -=+=-
After a another full day of Pax, it was time to go back to the Cube house and chill. But this time we were joined by Isaac, or Private Fearless, Hes pretty cool. Will had asked me earlier if i wanted to go out to dinner with him after we got back. I agreed. Our first REAL date!
But the boys decided to play a prank on all of us, saying that fans found our address and are here... It was soo funny! Jake took Grasers mask and went outside and started making alot of noise... It was hilarious! Isaac screamed so loud! He wasnt private "fearless" anymore!
well after that whole thing, people were getting really hungry.
"Heyy guys, is it cool if we just have pizza for dinner?" Graser asked.
"Well yeaa, i dont really feel like getting up and getting ready just to go out and eat. And im betting alot of other people dont want to either." Bailey answered.
Everyone just nodded in agreement.
"Ohh well me and Raven had planned on going out to dinner tonight. Just the two of us, so is it okayy if we skip out on pizza?" Will had announced.
Alot of "awhhhhh,s" were heared and my face turned red.
"I really ship yall... #Riingtong!" Bailey had said.
"Dont we all ship them?" Brayden questioned. He ran up and gave me a hug, which was kinda weird, but it felt natural, not that i liked him, i kinda picture him more as a brother figure. Ya know?
"Well were gunna go get ready." I announced.
Will and i ran upstairs and into our separate rooms.
"Is this gunna be a fancy dinner?" I asked Will before heading into my room.
"Yeaa its kinda fancy. So yea."
"Okayy see you in a minute!" I told him shutting my door.
I still have no idea what to wear. I wanna wear a dress, i just dont know how fancy, i have a dress, but i will feel so uncomfortable! But i will do it. For Will.
I rummage around our drawers and find a mint greenish colored, high-low, strapless dress. It was cute, kinda fancy. I knew this dress would come in handy. But my outfit wasnt complete yet. It was missing something. A light creme colored cardigan-cover up.
I quickly changed, putting on my white flats, cause i dont care how fancy, i was not about to where heels. I took a look in the mirror. I looked kinda good for me wearing a dress. I went over to my desk and grabbed my make-up bag.
*Knock knock*
"Who is it?" I answered.
"Are you decent?" Bailey replied.
"Uhh yeaa just putting on my make-up!"
The door opens and in walks Bailey, Bee, and Dul.
"Heyy guys!" I walked over and gave them all a hug.
"Well you hot." Dul announced.
"Awhh thanks, im really trying."
"I want you guys to have fun tonight alright?" Bailey said grabbing my shoulder.
"But not to much fun!" Bee yelled.
"Okayy well i gotta finish my make-up" I told them.
They all left and let me finish my make-up.
-=+=- Make-up time skip. Because im lazy. -=+=-
I finished with my make-up and made sure my outfit was okay and walked downstairs.
I felt so awkward because it felt like everyone was staring at me.
"You look gorgeous." Will said as he walked up to me and gave me a hug.
"Hey Will spin her around!" Tybzi yelled. Im guessing he was either taking a picture or recording a video.
Will spun me around and my dress kind of flared. My face turned bright pink.
"Ready to go?" He asked me.
I just nodded.
"Byee you guys have fun!" Tybzi and Rusher yelled.
Will had already called an Uber.
We got in the car and headed down the road.
"You do look absolutly stunning." Will announced.
"Thank you. Im really uncomfortable but i wore it just for you."
He leaned down and gave me kiss.
Soft, and passionate. Amazing.
We arrived at the diner. It looked amazing. We walked in and told the guy our names. Im guessing Will had already made reservations. We sat down and ordered our food and began our dinner.
-=+=- After dinner -=+=-
Dinner was amazing. We had really weird conversations about the future, The Cube, minecraft, where he lives, it was amazing.
"Where are we going now?" I asked him.
"You will see." He smirked.
"How do you even know whats here if you dont even live here?"
"I looked it up online." He said while laughing a bit.
We got in the Uber and headed down town. The Uber stoped at a massive building. An aquarium.
"An aquarium?" I asked him.
"Yes. I think it will be romantic." He smiled. Awhh his smile was so perfect.
We walked through and saw alot of cute little water animals.
We saw a bench in front of one of the tanks and sat down on it.
We snuggled close together and just watched the peaceful fish. Just swimming around.
Will looked down at me.
"I love you so much Raven. I have never felt anything like this when it came to my last relationships. But with you i feel somthing different. Like we are ment to be together."
I started tearing up.
"I love you too Will. And i honestly feel the same way. Ever since the day we first kissed back in London. And i left. You are all i thought about. I thought i was completly lost with out. I have had so many other boyfriends, and i have had my heart broken several times. But when i left London. That was the worst heart break i have ever felt. After i left. Mom made me go to a therapist because she thought i needed help. But thts not what i needed. All i needed was you."
He grabbed my hand and stood up.
He stared at me with tears in his eyes. He scaned my face and saw a tear fall. He placed his hand on my face and wiped it with his thumb.
He leaned down and gave me the most passionate kiss we have ever had. Our lips moving in sync. He grabbed my waist and pulled my closer to him.
I reached my arms around his neck pulling him downward.
We finally broke the kiss and he placed his forehead against mine.
"Lets head home." He said.
We got in the car and drove home.
When we walked in the door, Grape, Joe, Zack, and Dylan (8bitHomo) were all at the kitchen bar just having a little conversation.
"Sooo.. Did yall have fun?" Dylan asked.
"A bit to much if you ask me." Poke stated pointing out the lip gloss on Wills lips.
"Haha funny." Will said. "But we didnt get to crazy. We may have only kissed a little bit." His face turned red.
"Where is everyone?" I asked while looking around an empty livingroom.
"Asleep. Its 11 at night and we have to get up early for the last day of Pax tomorrow." Joe explained.
"Ohh well good night guys." I said and walked upstairs with Will following behind.
I didnt wanna go in my room to get clothes, so i just stole a pair of his shorts and one of his shirts. I sliped into the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed. I walked back in his room and layed down right beside him. I snuggled up to him, one arm behind him, playing with his hair, the other just wrapped around him. It was comfortable for him and me. Next thing i knew i heard the the soft sound of him snoring and the rising and falling of his chest. I soon fell asleep.
-=+=- The next day. -=+=-
I woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I rolled over and Will wasnt beside me. I stretched and got out of bed. I walked out the door and downstairs to be greeted by Mark and ,surprisingly, Bailey cooking.
"Good morning baby." Will said as he walked up to me. He grabbed me by my shoulders and kissed my forehead and wrapped me into a hug.
"Breakfast is ready come and eat!" Mark yelled.
"As much as i love you, i have to go because i want some food." I whispered to Will.
Everyone piled in and got there food.
Alot of weird conversations were made.
"So who all in here is still a virgin?" Jordan asked.
People gave him really awkward looks.
"Im just asking." He added.
We continued eating anyway.
"This was really amazing thank you Mark and Bailey." I yelled as Mark went into the kitchen.
"No problem." He replied.
Everyone finished eating and got ready to leave for Pax.
-=+=- After Pax -=+=-
The last day of the Pax convention was like any of the other days. Going to see some other panels, ya know. Meeting you guys. Its always amazing.
And then heading back to the Cube house for the rest of the week. Only 3 more days left with alot of these guys, and then me and Bailey are back to the hotel, and then back to Dallas. The thought of it honestly made me wanna cry... Just knowing that me and Will wont see eachother again for Lord knows how long, made me really sad.
"Hello! Earth to Raven!" Bailey yelled waving her hand frantically in front of my face.
"Hmm what?!" I asked snapping out of my world.
"Are yu wanting to go to Maccers?" Bee asked.
"Mcdonalds?" I asked.
"Yess. Do you want to?" Brayden repeated.
"Uhmm sure i guess."
We walked down the street to Mcdonalds and went in.
Im not gunna lie, i love Mcdonalds.
-=+=- Time skip. Back at the Cube house. -=+=-
After we got back, we just layed back and chilled. I played a couple games of C.O.D with Parker, Liam, and Tybzi while Jordan, and Will went to go record a video. Bailey went upstairs and was in the shower. Everyone esle was doin there own thing. It was pretty layed back and chill.
"Heyy guys! Lets do a stream!" Mark yelled.
"But were in mid game!" Liam yelled.
"Well ima get this set up, yall finish up!" Mark replied.
We finished the game, Tybzi winning 1st, me 2nd, Parker 3rd, Liam 4th.
Tybzi just laughed at them for losing to him and a girl. I just laughed at them.
I walked into the recording room and went up behind Will, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek and his neck.
"What are you doin?" He asked as he giggled a bit.
"Were about to go stream. C'mon." I said grabbing his hands.
"But im editing this video. I have a bit more to do." He said.
"Okayy... Well hurry." I said while about to walk off, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"Where are you going?" He asked. "Your not going anywhere without giving me a kiss." He smirked.
"Okayy!" I said excitedly. Bent down and gave him a big kiss on the lips.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you to" I replied.
I walked back in the livingroom and they had already started the stream. I went and sat down by Bee. The chat spammed with "whos that?" Or "Heyy Raven!" It was awesome. I just waved at them.
After about 20 minutes, Will finally joins us on the stream. He wanted to pull a "Kiani" thing and say down on Jordans lap. The chat exploded with "#Kiani, feeeeeels"
He got off of him and sat down by me. I saw a few "#Riingtong" in their, but not to many. But i was happy because some people even knew me.
After the stream, it was time to go to bed. We were all wore out!
We sang some songs, we had alot of fun. Its always fun interacting with the fandom.
We all said goodnight and all went into our rooms. I went into mine for a split second, so i could grab some clothes. After i grabed my clothes, i went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and went into Wills room. We turned on a quick movie and just snuggled up. I was playing with his hair. He looked at me and i looked at him. He leaned over and kissed me. Our lips moving in sync. He started kissing me harder. His tounge licked the bottom of my lips, asking for permission. I let him in. He rolled over onto his back and pushed me on top of him. Our lips still moving in sync. Then he all the sudden stopped. He looked at me.
"Are you sure you wanna go any farther?" He asked.
"Honestly, i really do. Just not here." I replied.
"Thats why i asked, plus, i dont wanna rush you." He said sympathetically. He brushed my hair behind my ear.
I looked down at him and layed down on his chest. He kept brushing my hair behind my ear. He kissed the too of my head, and thats how i fell asleep.
Heyy guys! Soo yeaa this chapter is like really long, because i dont wanna write 3 chapters about the same thing, so i just summed them up and put them in one chapter. If yu guys ever get confused, or have any questions, comment them, or DM me them. Alright guys. Thank yu so much for reading my terrible story. I love yu guys. Dont forget to vote #Kiingforking!
❤️Stay Positive, my friends.❤️
😌Be Happy.😌

Irresistible. •A Kiingtong fanfic•Where stories live. Discover now