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𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓮𝔂𝓮𝓼


Excitement permeated the air, low murmurs from the class, and whispers of information hastily passed between students. Gossip spread through the classroom absorbing whatever information passed through like water being soaked into the roots of a tree. Unlike water, matter which stays consistent, the words would get changed slightly, a miscommunication there, an exaggeration here, until the original words spoken no longer resembled the current idea.

Nobara keeps her head down, only catching glimpses, unfinished phrases, half spoken thoughts. A word, a vague feeling, but she didn't latch on enough to any of these things tightly enough to comprehend because she simply did not care. Whatever they were so excited about likely didn't matter.

These idiots she called classmates frequently had rumors gain traction. Only for a short period of time, whatever rumors that were spreading about someone now would likely be forgotten soon enough. There was nothing worth getting this excited over. Though, she must admit this was more excitement than usual. But still, it didn't matter.

Nobara usually kept to herself. Choosing to sit in the back of the class where no one would go out of their way to bother her. It's only a few months into the year and she was working through this strategy just fine. She couldn't erase her presence completely but did her absolute best to remain as invisible as possible. Though that was a desperate wish in itself considering everyone in this small town knew everyone else and secrets were impossible to keep. Gossip always spread quickly, and once someone's image was ruined it would likely stay that way.

A tainted reputation was always harder to change. It was made even more difficult with the very real fact that the opinions of those around her was not so easily persuaded.

Nobara had no friends at all, whatever friends she used to have long since abandoned her. She had more enemies than friends now. But lately these days no one found it worth it to bother her. She was grateful for the bullying having let up at least for now. She knew she'd be a fool to think it was completely over though. Keeping to herself did get somewhat lonely. She felt even more isolated when she thought about the one person who might understand her, and that felt like another impossible dream.

She started drawing in her classes. She didn't think she was anything particularly special, and it wasn't for the end result anyway. She liked getting lost in the monotony of drawing. The same image over and over again in the corners of her notebook pages. She liked drawing roses, different angles, shading, and sizes. She didn't know why she liked drawing roses in particularly but they stuck in her head like weeds. She had been getting better at drawing them, possibly because she didn't really pay attention in most of her classes.

Sitting in the back allowed her distance from the students, and also the teacher. So she'd be able to pretend she was taking diligent notes, when really she'd be drawing whatever she felt like far away from the teacher's eyes. Black ink would flow out of her pen easily. A river of it in a single line and she'd get lost in the moment until the harsh bell rang and dragged her out of her trance.

Why roses? Maybe it's because roses were a symbol, a romance of which she knew she could never have. But dreams could be hers, her thoughts would always be hers and no one could take that away from her. It was silly, how much she desperately clung to the things that were hers since it felt like she couldn't have anything.

She was much like a drawing on paper herself. Constantly being reworked and redrawn. She was a living work in progress, always making adjustments so she could erase the parts of herself that she knew people would chastise her for. Eventually, she became someone she didn't even recognize anymore. So different from the original sketch.

"We have a transfer student joining us here class!"

Nobara's head lifts up at the announcement facing the front. She usually hates her history teacher's unnecessarily peppy voice and loud outfits, the colors clashing and making her eyes cringe, so this class is probably the one she pays attention to the least. Her teacher's voice eventually faded into the background, synonymous with white noise. Luckily the work assigned is so simple, Nobara hardly has to put much thought into any of it so there was really no penalty for paying attention anyway.

However, this announcement piques her interest because it's the first time she's heard anything of the sort. This was a small town, everyone already knew each other so there were never any new faces. A transfer student wasn't a regular thing, she can't remember there ever being a transfer student at all. Who would even want to move here anyway? There was nothing to fucking do here, and everyone seemed to be living in a haze like some horrifying dystopian novel.

So now, there was a change. This must be what everyone was so excited about. Now there was a  light to fade out the mist hazing over Nobara's world. The new girl is tall, at least tall to her because apparently, Nobara is relatively short being 5' 2". But even then, this girl is still tall. Then she sees that her hair is dark green. It's dark enough that you could think it's black in certain light, maybe it's tinted? It's definitely dyed but it looks nice on her, and she's wearing thin glasses with a purple frame that actually makes her eyes seem brighter than they actually are, everything about her seems coordinated. It's very intriguing, and Nobara finds herself looking longer at her than she should. The girl carried herself with a certain sort of aloofness only attributed to those who sincerely do not give a fuck.

Nobara wishes she could emulate that. It almost makes her angry or even jealous seeing someone this cool here. Nobara was just fine being an outcast because she at least could have her own acknowledgment that she knew she was different than all of these losers. Better, even. The people who bullied her wouldn't go any higher than mowing their neighbor's lawn every Sunday. She had the motivation to do better and prove to every single one of them she was actually fucking amazing. But this girl here didn't need to prove it. She already knew it, and somehow she made everyone else know it too.

Then, she meets the girl's eyes.


Her golden eyes were powerful, bright, and beautiful. It hits her, all of a sudden like a match lighting on fire, a piece setting into place and her heart is set ablaze. Something sets into motion. She knows instantly that this is the moment.

Nobara turns her head away upon realizing and she breaks the eye contact that they shared for mere moments.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher's voice is loud and Nobara wants to focus on that more right now for once, rather than what just occurred. She could tell the girl didn't want to go through all of these niceties, but she obliged upon request.

Nobara, seated all the way in the back of the class, knows this girl's name before she utters a single syllable.

For her name, is etched into her skin. Though it hurts to think about it, Nobara remembers the first time she read that name. The first time she said it aloud, to herself in the darkness of her room. Hoping for her soulmate to take her away but knowing it wasn't going to happen. The first time she cursed that name wishing it was never there at all so she wouldn't have to suffer.

"Maki Zenin," Her voice carries throughout the room. Nobara's heart constricts. If only it had been a mistake, if only she had been someone else.

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