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𝓤𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼


Yuuji did not get moved back to his seat next to Junpei.

Nobara realizes this unfortunate circumstance when she sees the boy in the same seat he was placed in the day before. The seat next to hers, it seemed, would be permanently occupied now. This realization was not a good start for her second period. Yuuji was incredibly talkative. She gathered that much from yesterday and it wasn't really a trait she wanted to engage with right about now.

Though it annoyed her, this still wasn't enough to distract her from the period before. Maki was relatively close before and then their hands touched and lingered far too close for her liking. Nobara's body temperature rose at that moment (and even now at the mere thought of it.) She shudders out of embarrassment, but tries to persuade herself she was overreacting, it was nothing, meant nothing, and Maki probably didn't even think about what she was doing in that way either.

As Nobara walks in, Yuuji sees her. The smile on his face grew wider and he waves looking directly at her. Nobara herself is taken aback when she sees that, and it makes her turn around to make sure he wasn't actually waving at someone else behind her instead. Sure enough, there was no one there and she had to accept that Yuuji was indeed waving to her.

She walks forward to her seat, waving back albeit a little awkwardly, then wondering why she even waved back in the first place. But whatever, it was just strange to be met with such enthusiasm. Actually, this doesn't ever happen to her. People either bully her or don't acknowledge her existence. The only one who didn't fit into category one or two was Maki, and so it seems now Yuuji too.

"Hey Nobara!" He says rather cheerfully.

"You know...," Yuuji pauses, as if studying her, "You look kinda different today."

After a second of what she assumes could only be extreme and intense thought, she gets his official prognosis.

"You look happier."

She turns to him, an involuntary expression on her face. Wasn't that a strange thing to say to someone? What could he possibly mean by that? And what did she normally look like? (Okay she can agree though she certainly doesn't normally look very happy)

"Thanks?" She says in place of saying something a bit unnecessary and/or mean. Yuuji was kind and probably didn't deserve her brashness. But maybe she should have just ignored him at least anyway.

What gave him the impression they were friendly enough to talk so casually? Was he seriously just trying to be friendly? And why? So many questions, but answering them was not one of her priorities.

Though she wouldn't be surprised if she was one of those people with a resting bitch face considering there was no one and nothing she felt the need to force a smile for. But what would make her appear visibly happier to someone who doesn't even know her? Maybe it's just a fluke observation, after all, he's only been speaking to her for a day. Yeah, Yuuji just says weird shit to everyone probably.

She's sure if she asked Junpei how it was sitting next to Yuuji he'd say he was fucking annoying–not that she'd ever willingly talk to that guy.

"I mean–I don't think you look unhappy normally just—" Yuuji stops himself, he's likely worried about digging himself into an deeper hole. Nobara seems like a cool person he'd like to be friends with, but it seems friends were hard to make and even harder to keep.

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