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𝓡𝓮𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷 𝓽𝓸 𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻


Much like the Saturday before, this Sunday was a dreary and lifeless day. It was cloudy and so humid it was actually kind of disgusting to go outside right about now. Not that she was going to go outside anyway. Nobara spent the last day of the weekend lying in dread for Monday and the rest of the week to come. Her weekends were always uneventful and boring as it was, but she still didn't like waiting for Monday to come either.

What she looks forward to is the end of the week more than the actual weekend itself. She does nothing in the two days she has off considering she has no friends nor money to do anything or go anywhere. Not that there's much to do around here anyway. But friends she doesn't have would certainly make things a little better.

Nobara's life had begun to feel like a very large hamster wheel. Constantly in motion but never going anywhere, and depleting her energy the longer she remained on it. She would follow the same routine every week. She would wake up, go to school, carry on until Friday, then the weekend arrived. But just as quickly as the weekend had come, it ended. Then the week begins again. There were no large changes in between this senseless cycle and there was only her suffering throughout the week to note that she was even alive.

She can't wait until the day she can leave this small town, and be somewhere else. Anywhere else. She doesn't know what she'll do, or what her life would even be like but she knows she can't stay here the rest of her life that's for sure. She's seen the old people around here and she knows she'd rather die.

She started saving money three years ago, at first she didn't know exactly what for. Now she knows she's going to use whatever money she saves for herself to leave. Her mother always made a big deal of giving her any money. She always wanted to know exactly what it was going to be used for, so to avoid the hassle, she would rarely ask for money.

When she does get money, whether it's to go to the store or for something else she asked for, she tries to save as much as she can. Placing any extra bills into her stash hoping her mother doesn't ask for change later. If her mother found it, she'd definitely make Nobara "lend" her money with no intention of paying her back. Because after all she was a kid and nothing was hers in the end.

She wasn't fond of the idea of getting a job, because she was slightly wary of her classmates recognizing her and treating her like shit even outside of school. There weren't many options and someone was bound to recognize her eventually. The only places hiring were the local coffee shop, the grocery store, and the hardware store. She'd have to walk or bike to these places which would take quite a while, so the minimum wage wasn't worth it if she had to deal with harassment too. For now, she would have to do what she could and maybe she could think about a job in the future. Like during senior year when everyone was slacking off anyway. But for now, she'll take it day by day.

For example, on Monday she has to give Maki her hoodie back.

She's been thinking about her soulmate all weekend, which was the exact opposite of what she planned to do. She wanted to make sure Maki Zenin stayed out of her head. But it seems she can't escape. Every time she saw herself in the mirror she was reminded of the fact her name is permanently etched on her skin. Whether it's in view or not. She's reminded of the fact that Maki Zenin's entire existence is the reason why she covers herself up, only wears certain clothing because it's what keeps others hidden from the truth.

Nobara could never resent Maki or hate her. She never did, she hates herself more than she hates Maki, and even when she first found out, and finally had to come to terms with her sexuality, she never once blamed Maki. She can't, even now. Maki's...perfect.

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