episode 4 final part

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Y/N: Come on let's get them but this time Gray you're driving

Erza: But

Y/N: Sorry Erza you already out of magic so let Gray drive and Lets just hope They're okay



'Well right now we're on our way to Clover town Erza right now is sitting outside with Gray that is driving the car and we even brought Kageyama with us and oh MY GOD HE'S JUST KEEP BEING PESSIMISTIC AND WON'T SHUT UP THIS IS SO F#$%ING ANNOYING'

Y/N: For the love of GOD can you please SHUT.UP

Kageyama: (depress) heh oh yeah so what are you going to do, kill me ?

Y/N: Nah you're not worth it

Kageyama: oh

'While we still in a rush suddenly the cars wheel got hit by the rail and make us stumble a little and it makes Lucy's butt hit Kageyama's face'

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'While we still in a rush suddenly the cars wheel got hit by the rail and make us stumble a little and it makes Lucy's butt hit Kageyama's face'

Gray: Sorry the road is kind of bumpy

Lucy: Ah sorry 

Kageyama: Can your butt get even bigger

Lucy: Hieeeh that's sexual harassment Y/N quick kill him !

Y/N:(annoyed) Why me  -_-"


'After all of the bumpy rides we finally see Natsu who is now topless and only with his scarf and with unconscious Erigor'

Y/N: I see you beat Erigor. Good Job man.

Natsu: (smirk) hehe thanks 

Kageyama: (thought) I can't believe it Erigor is lost by that fly. (see the lullaby flute) hmm?

'When Kageyama look at the flute that is on the ground he start to thinking something'

Y/N: Okay now that Erigor is down now we can go to Clover now and-


Gray: (surprised) WHAT THE!!

'Suddenly Kageyama drive the mobile and he has the lullaby on his hand and run away with the mobile' 

Kageyama: So long you flies and I've finally got the lullaby and you can't stop our plan now HAHAHAHAHAHA


Y/N: Well......shit

Erza:(angry) AFTER HIM NOW


'After all the running to clover town we finally found Kageyama right now he's with master'

Natsu: There he is Gramps-

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