Chapter 7 part 1

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3rd POV

'After the whole magic council fiasco the trio consist of Y/N, Erza, and Natsu are finally back to fairy tail and Erza then explain to everyone what happened'

Gray:  So turns out you weren't a sacrificial lamb, but a scapegoat

Y/N:(thought) Dafuq

Elfman:(shiver) geez even your jokes make me shivering

Y/N: I know right

Rgm (random guild member): Say What happen to Natsu?

'As he say to the still traumatized Natsu'

Y/N: Well it's best you don't wanna know

'everyone sweatdropped from that comment'

rgm 2: by the way Natsu what about your rematch with Erza?

'And with that Natsu suddenly awake from his trauma'


Erza: (sigh) Natsu I'm tired okay.

Natsu: NO WAY NOW FIGHT ME! (run straight to Erza)

'Suddenly Erza knock out Natsu with one punch'

Y/N: Damn no mercy huh?

Erza: (smile) well he ask for it.

'Everyone then laugh/chuckle at Natsu's misfortune when suddenly everyone feels tired except Y/N, when Erza is about to collapse Y/N hold her and give her his energy so she fully awake'

Y/N: Better?

Erza:(fully awake) Better.

Y/N: He's back is he?

Erza: Yeah he's back.

'Then a man with 

a staff and a big bag for all of his staff and that man is wearing a mask and bandana to cover his face It was Mystogan'


'He then take a new quest and then leave'

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'He then take a new quest and then leave'

Mystogan: I shall leave.

Makarov: Wait lift your spell before you leave.

Y/N: It's good to see you again Mysto.

Mystogan: You to Y/N and by the way the sandwich that you made last week (start to leave) it was delicious.

'Mystogan then saw Erza'

Mystogan: Erza.

Erza: It's good to see you to Mystogan.

Mystogan: You to.

'Mystogan then start to count from 5 to 1 then the moment he everyone then start to wake up, except for Natsu who still knocked out'

ULTRA FAIRY BOOK 1 (Fairy Tail x Male Ultra Isekai Reader)Where stories live. Discover now