Chapter 6

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Narrator POV

'After the whole Web Valley incident the gang is finally back to Magnolia and this the day where Natsu finally got his wish which is to fight Erza and Y/N but first  He wants to fight Y/N'

3rd POV

'Right now all of the Fairy Tail members are outside the hall where they all betting on either Y/N or Natsu who is gonna win,

"Come on Natsu"

"Y/N come man win this "

Natsu: Alright this is it you better not holding back!

Y/N: Fine looks like I'm going to use this then (summon Lieflasher)

Natsu: Ho Dyna huh?

Y/N: Yeah (transform) DYNA!!

'Suddenly when the light shine and appear Ultraman Dyna in Flash form'

'Suddenly when the light shine and appear Ultraman Dyna in Flash form'

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"There it is"


Lucy: Now what's the name of that form?

Happy: Didn't you hear what Y/N shout that is called Ultraman Dyna Flash Type It's form power same like Tiga's Multi type but different.

Lucy: Different like what?

Happy: (Smug) You'll see.

Lucy: Huuuh?

Erza: (Holding Lim) Lucy just watch and you will understand.

Lim: (screech of agree)

Dyna: Alright Natsu let's make this quick here's the rule first person to get hit at the face is the loser deal?

Natsu: (smirk) Deal

Dyna: Alright let's go

'Natsu then start to charge to Dyna'


'But Dyna catch Natsu's punch with his bare hand'

'But Dyna catch Natsu's punch with his bare hand'

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ULTRA FAIRY BOOK 1 (Fairy Tail x Male Ultra Isekai Reader)Where stories live. Discover now