~𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒖𝒑~

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• ° •  << Chester's POV >>  • ° •

I woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing headache.

As I sat up, I held my hand tightly on my head with groans. My vision becoming blurry and dizzy every movement.

First thing I did was look around the room, I saw my laptop shut off, my phone on my bed beside my pillow, my curtains closed, my bathroom door shut, and a tall pitch black figure standing right next to my bed.

Wait what?

I blinked my eyes as I removed my hand from my head, as I kept blinking at the figure, it disappeared.

"Okay, off to a good morning" I mumbled lowly as I got out of bed and moved to my desk, sat on the chair and started my laptop again. Then I plugged in the extension to the soccet, connecting the charger to the laptop, doing the same to the camera.

The laptop shined open making me flinch away, shutting my eyes close due to the bright light.

As I look back at the monitor I was greeted by me needing to unlock my password to access my laptop.

I looked at the time at the corner of the screen as soon as the password was unlocked.

'3:37 AM'

It read.

I hummed as I rubbed my eyes and loaded in my editing application, to edit the captured video from last night.

I don't know what gave me motivation to do this but at 3 in the morning eh, better do it while I still have the motivation or else motivation will just have to visit me next month again.

What about the figure?
I could care less.
Probably some halucinations or smth.
I wasn't conscious yet so it had to be hallucinations otherwise I'm fucked.

Anyway, continuing.

After I loaded in the two videos, stitching them together and adding some effects and faint music, I decided to finish it off. I haven't done the second part of the video yet which was meeting 'Parker'.

That reminds me. I still have to meet Parker to see if he's the ACTUAL Parker. And if not, I'll kick his ass, I don't really know yet but I'll decide as time goes by, depending on my mood later night.

After a couple more minutes of just slouching on my chair and staring at my monitor tiredly, I stood up and exited my room.

I don't wanna sleep again, don't wanna experience another headache nor have any weid dreams.

Even if I may be tired and look tired, my eyes having obvious and seeable bags under my them, I am not going back to sleep.

I reached the kitchen almost stumbling down the counter table before catching myself with a loud groan as I gripped my hands on to the side of the table.

Then I regained my posture, turning back to the cupboards. I reached in for my cereal, Lucky Chams then a bowl from the cupboard beside.
(I love Lucky Charms ok-?)

Then I poured some cereal on the bowl, grabbing the milk from the fridge and you know how it goes in the morning.

Right now, I was just chilling on the couch with my body clinging to a pillow while my eyes was pinned to the tv. I was watching a not-so-scary horror movie but my mind was drifting away every minute, not paying attention to any of the scenes though getting snapped back to reality due to the jumpscares.

I yawned as I looked at the clock, it was 12 noon already.

And last I checked it was 5 AM after getting out of a quick shower.

𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 // Discontinued:')Where stories live. Discover now