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(Note: alr, we gonna dudududu our way in this relationship bc I wanna write more fluff ok?)

• ° •  << Chester's POV >>  • ° •

There was no blanket on me nor was the heater on. Though it was warm and comforting. No wait- what I'm feeling is body heat from another person. Who's on me-?

My eyes started to blink open slowly as I held the person closer, they were tightly hugging my waist with their legs tangled with mine, their head pressed against my chest, and their whole body preserved heat for my cold and shivering body.

As I finally had my eyes half open, I looked down and saw my beloved best friend who was lightly snoring.

Ah crap, panic time.

I tried not to freak out, resulting for my reflex to slap my free hand on my mouth while my face began to shade red.

'AHGSJSJSJDHS HEH??? WHEN??? HOW??? Omfg- he's cute-'

My mind raced, after a couple minutes I slowly took my hand off my mouth and looked down at Parker. I held him closer with my grip tightening on his hoodie. I rested my chin on his head.

My eyes drifted to the clock which read '8:30 AM'. Seems like an average time to wake up.

Though I couldn't help but smell Parker's scent. He smelled different, nostalgic, and he had that addictive scent.

I hummed, unknowingly caressing his hair with my fingers.

Now, we were having breakfast in the dining room. I made Parker some pb&j since he said that, that was the only food he remembered, I made myself some toast with butter as spread.

Made a mental note to take Parker to his favourite restaurants and teach him how to cook again.

"Hey Chester?" Parker asked making me hum in response as I looked at him.

He was just staring at the floor as he chewed his toast.

"Since you asked me questions last night, can I ask you some?" Parker said with a small mumble finally looking to my direction.

"Yeah sure! Go ahead" I said with a smile.

"Uh... so you were talking about a.. video on YouTube..? About my socials? What's that about?" He asked confused.

"Oh yeah... you don't remember much. Well, you started a YouTube channel called LuxuryPranks about social experiments, then... well you disappeared. I have a ne friend called Jack and we made this new channel called LuxuryLife which is basically a channel for scary content, I have my own channel called LuxuryDark where I buy stuff off the darkbweb. And yeah, that's basically it" I explained with some gestures as I did.

Parker nodded before eating his last piece of toast, swallowing it after.

"Can you... not film me then..? I don't like being on camera..." He said shyly, I smiled and shrugged.

"Yeah, of course man. But do you wanna update people that you're back or...?"

"No, I don't want to be found my the government" He quickly replied.

"Okay!" I grinned and ate my last piece of toast.

"What do you wanna do today? Wanna just hang out?" I asked with a grin, pushing my chair outwards.

"Yeah okay"

——— Timeskip to three days later bc your author is lazy and tired asf ———

𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 // Discontinued:')Where stories live. Discover now