𝑨 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆

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• ° •  << Chester's POV >>  • ° •

So- I finally agreed to take Parker on a date, something he seemed really eager at doing. As much as I'm curious enough to question why he was desperate to date me and become official, even when his feelings wasn't set yet and EVEN when we just reunited 3 days ago, I decided not ro ask him since I assume he doesn't have a reason for it.

I didn't mind though. I've waited so long.
But it still feels a bit odd, or, new to me. Especially since I've just been learning new things about Parker. Well, if we're going to be positive, this might be a better way to hang out with Parker with still learning about him and still feeling his touch.
Not like he's gonna stop being clingy now anyways.

It was gonna be a date at home. Even if I Parker insisted me choosing the location of where the date will take place, I chose for it to take place at home. Since Parker's still unsure and uncomfortable being outside.

Y'know, strangers, interacting with people, aliens, spies, literally people. Yeah, I don't want him interacting with this shitty society until he gets comfortable with it first.
Of course, I need to be with him all the time. And, I guess I need to also take him with me if I want to continue Parker's long gone career.

Though I think that won't be such a good idea....

Whatever, it's date night, why am I thinking about this now?
Wrong time to think about business stuff, Chester.

It was 6:56 PM and I've already set up a mini dinner-restaurant table.

Like, I a non scented candle set up on the middle, plates on the opposite sides with the untesils needed, roses scattered around the table, and y'know, and basically anything else that's there in romantic movies that are a bit melodramatic.

Though, I was satisfied with my work.
I grinned as I placed both of my hands on my waist.

Now, time to get Parker.

Parker was sat on his bed in his room with my laptop watching whatever YouTube had to offer that took interest in him.

I walked up the stairs a little slowly, a pit in my stomach forming as I took a step.

Then, as I reached Parker's room, it took a while for me to stand in front of his door and knock on it. My emotions were unsure and a a lot of doubtful things filling my mind though all of it disappeared when Parker opened the door.

He smiled brightly looking down on me.

Fuck you height.

I smiled back, my nervousness becoming excitement.

"I want to do a marriage move on you!" Parker said, unfortunately he got the best on my curiosity.

"Alright, go for it" I said with a grin on the side.

He then basically picked me up slightly which caught me off guard, and pressd his lips against mine gently, a small peck before pulling away.

"Mwah!" He said after.
(Yeah, y'all know where this bit is from 😏. No, Chester's not gonna run away and scream-)

I blushed but laughed it off. I thank God he doesn't notice or had forgotten what flusterdness is, but I bet he notices how red my cheeks are anyway.
But he didn't mind.
He just smiled.

God I love this man.

"That wasn't much of a marriage move, that's normal for you actually" I said, my blush slightly faiding. Parker responded with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah but it kinda is-? I don't know, I saw this video-"

"Yeah I know where it's from" I smiled at Parker, shoving my hands in my pockets on my pants.

𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 // Discontinued:')Where stories live. Discover now