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• ° • << Chester's POV >> • ° •

"Hey cutie" I said dangling over the couch's arm rest giving a grin to Parker who looked away from the laptop.

"Chester, you know you're like... 20 times cuter than me, right?" He replied confused.

"Can't I just compliment my own boyfriend without getting complimented back?" I said huffing playfully as I shifted positions, now on the couch sitting down next to Parker.

Parker hummed.
"No." He said smirking and turning back to the laptop, I snickered and playfully rolled my eyes again, moving closer to him and looking at the monitor. He was watching one of those asmr food videos.

"One question, why?" I asked as I looked at him. Parker paused the video and stared at me, then he shrugged.

"Why not?" He answered.

"Fair enough"

I leaned my head on Parker's shoulder as we watched something else other than food asmr. Y'see, we were missing food.
And that reminds me to ask Parker if he wants to come with me to grocery store tomorrow.

"Hey Parker..?" I mumbled, not taking my eyes off the screen. Parker replied with a hum.

"You wanna go to the grocery store with me?" I asked, my eyes gazing to him as I gave a side grin in hope.

"When have you ever left the house without me?" He asked making me scoff as I sat down straight and looked at him. This made him hold back a laugh but snorted.

"Excuse me!? When have YOU ever left the house ME?" I said, dramatically and playfully.

"Plus- you never, EVER, leave the house intentionally, not if I'm going to which makes you wanna come with me cause your ass is so clingy for my-... uh..." I decided to end it there. My cheeks rose with heat as I sounded like a broken printer.

"My what is clingy for your what?" Parker asked innocently making him hum in thought. Then he snapped his fingers pointing to me, looking like he found out what I was about to say.

"Oh! You mean my ass is clingy for your d-" Aaaannddd that's where I stop him from talking by pressing my hands on his mouth.

"Yep! You don't need to clear that up! Goodjob!" I said, wincing silently. I took off my hands off his mouth slowly, he gave me a playful smirk.

"-Dick" He finished making me blush a deep red shade and slap my hand to my head, dramatically looking up.

"Okay! Okay! You win! Do you wanna go to the store or not!?" I asked, immediately changing the subject.

"Okay!" Paker immediately agreed making me let out an exhale of relief.

"Cuddles?" I continued for him.

Parker hummed.
"I was kinda thinking of kisses every second but now that you mention it... Yes."



I chuckled, he shut off the laptop and settled it down on the coffee table. I wraped my arms around his neck and gave him a sweet, passionate kiss on the lips, pulling away with a smug smile.

"When are we leaving?" Parker asked.

"Uh- later, later afternoon" I responded earning a nod and another kiss on the lips.

"You wanna know how to make time go faster?" He asked pulling me closer. I smirked.

"Do tell~" I answered with a teasing tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 // Discontinued:')Where stories live. Discover now