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• ° •  << Parker's POV >>  • ° •

I was laying on what seemed to be my 'bed'. I was slowly drifting away from my sanity as well as I was staring blankly at the wall.

My body was all crawled up, my knees up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them, you get what I mean. The blanket over me was the only thing that seemed to be protecting, comforting, me at this very moment.

Though I was not quite sure what was happening. Mixed feelings and anger started go arouse in me, as well as the throbbing pain in my stomach for no absolute reason.

In other and more simpler words, I felt like shit. Or, I felt like taking a hard shit but that's a more different feeling.

I stood up and exited my room, making my way to the kitchen, of course, going downstairs and turning to my right to get there.

I sat down on one of the chairs in front of the counter, and just laid my head low with my hands gripping onto my hair.

With painfully heavy breaths, black ooze started dripping out of my mouth making me grab a tissue not from afar and wipe my mouth. Though it keeps coming back out and dripping. This slightly made me concerned.

Rushing my way to the bathroom and clumsily almost tripping making some noise, then I slammed the door shut and locked it. Sure Chester could've heard and woken up but this is more important.

I turned on the faucet and started rinsing my mouth, it tasted like blood.

Only to realize I was bleeding.

Why the fuck did my blood turn black, actually, WHEN THE FUCK DID MY BLOOD TURN BLACK!?

"Okay, calm down"  I whispered to myself like a true, and somehow, hyperventilating person would.

"Calm down!? What do you mean calm down your blood is black and you don't fucking know why!"  I answered myself.

As the black stuff finally stopped flowing out of my mouth each second, I was tiredly breathing more steadily atleast thoughmy body was rested against the door.

"Oh right some weird government took me-" I remembered and facepalmed myself.

A knock made me flinch and shiver, backing away from the door.

• ° •  << Chester's POV >>  • ° •

I heard thumping which made my eyes snap open.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking around. Blurry vision at frist before adjusting.

'Why was I awake again? Oh right, the thumping. I'm pretty sure that's just Parker'
I thought to myself with a yawn as I looked at the clock.

'4:09 AM'
It read.

I slowly got up and lazily made my way to exit the room, as I was out and about to close the door I heard a door slam from downstairs which made me flinch.

I quickly closed the door to my room and knocked on Parker's, just to make sure.
I'd have to apologize if I wake him.

As he wasn't responding, I became slightly impatient.

"Parker?" I called out his name with worriness in my tone.

To give you some needed and obvious context, yes obviously I have had a crush on Parker and I am gay. I'm not even denying it, if he finds out, he finds out.

"Parker...?" I called out once more before rushing down the stairs, the light in the hallway was still on, the only light left that was opened was the bathroom door making rectangular lines at the edge of the door.

𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 // Discontinued:')Where stories live. Discover now