01 - His loss

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Yeonjun came home to another episode of his mother practically drowing herself in alcohol , crying with her face in her palms .

It has almost been a week since he died . It was tragic how it just happened out of nowhere. Guess it was just the fate of the world .

"Eomma..." Yeonjun said as he sat down beside her , taking her in his embrace as she immediately charged her face into his chest and sobbed .

Yeonjun felt his heart ache seeing his mother like this . Yeonjun was not very close with his father , to be honest they never really had a full conversation because his father was very work oriented and barely home . yeonjun was more close to his mother .

Yeonjun with difficulty got his mother to her untidy cold bedroom that she once shared with her husband , before going into his own room .

He sighed before he unbuttoned his sleeves and loosened his tie to take it off .

Since Mrs.choi wasn't stable enough to deal with the legal work , yeonjun had to step in and take care of everything .

It had been a stressful week and all yeonjun wanted to do was to get a nice sleep . But he couldn't .

Mr.choi had written in his deed for yeonjun to take over the company . Originally , Yeonjun was supposed to take over the company but not so suddenly like this . He was afraid he wasn't ready , after all he'd just finished his college .

And yeonjun was forced to continue his father's business because he knew his mother would throw a fit if he didn't .

Yeonjun was smart and studious and got into the best colleges but he was also a party animal that got into shit like every kid his age . Guess that was all going to stop because now he'd have to grow up early and be a man.

"The fuck man" yeonjun said to himself in irritation as he pulled out his phone from his pocket because he felt it vibrating for the hundredth time today.

"This is choi yeonjun" yeonjun said as he waited for a reply .

"Uh- um sir ? I mean- Mr-choi- I'm uh- your father's secretary but now I'm uh- YOUR secretary and uh- I'm sorry to disturb you but there's a document that has to be finalized by the government and it needs your signature" a voice said over the phone.

"Right now ?" Yeonjun asked .

"No you can do it tomorrow when you come in " the voice answered .

"But tomorrow's Sunday I'm not coming in " yeonjun said .

The voice let out a little chuckle Before he answered "i assumed you'd be like mr.choi and come in on work on Sundays like he did"

"I'll do it on Monday" yeonjun snapped before he hung up and scoffed at the audacity of this dude .


"I'll deal with what ever horse shit you have for me in five minutes . Give me five fucking minutes !" Yeonjun yelled at the person that interupted the conversation he was having with one of the shareholders of the company over the phone .

It was Monday . It was even more hectic than yeonjun had imagined . He didn't know how he was going to manage all this .

Yeonjun sighed as he ended the call and tossed his phone on the grand glass table which was once his father's .

A picture of himself as a kid which sat in a grand frame at the corner of the table caught yeonjun's eye .

Another knock at the door brought yeonjun back to reality as he looked at the door to see same guy that interupted before , letting himself in with a file in his hand.

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