Chapter Six

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I was up early on Saturday morning.  I’ve always been an early riser but it wasn’t quite daybreak when I made my way into the expansive kitchen to brew coffee.  Once I had a cup I took it to the study and sat at the desk I’d been using.  I sipped my coffee surrounded by piles of old photographs and Lodge family records as I watched the sun rise over the eastern shore.  It was a beautiful morning.  A thunder storm blew in last night and as the sun rose light glistened off the dew.    

I love mornings like this, when the house is quiet and I’m alone with my thoughts.  I do some of my best thinking in the wee hours of the morning and that day my mind churned over everything I’d observed since discovering the picture of Henry in his school uniform the day before.  Seeing Henry and Thomas together only reinforced my suspicions.  The boy looked just like him and they seemed so close.  I would have liked to have watched them interact more but once we sat down to dinner Thomas and Alec kept their own counsel while the adults talked. 

I didn’t want to get too far ahead of myself.  Thomas has lived with Mrs. Lodge for ten years. Henry’s made countless visits in that time so I suppose it’s no surprise they’re friendly.  I see the way Mrs. Lodge looks at Thomas and I’ve heard how she speaks about him so it’s logical for other members of the family to have similar attachments to the boy.  I keep coming back to the resemblance.  To say it was striking would be an understatement. 

I sat for another half hour until I heard someone in the kitchen and a few minutes later Henry joined me in the study. 

“Mom’s got you loaded down with every family picture that’s ever been taken I see,” said Henry as he took a seat. 

“You can say that again,” I sighed at the mountain of photographs.  “She’s been a great help.”

“Mom’s always been the family historian.  I’d have asked her to write the book but I think she lacks your objectivity,” Henry winked.

“She is a bit biased,” I agreed with a smile. 

“How are you getting along with her?  I warned you she can be a little…”

“Overbearing is how you put it,” I reminded him. 

“Yeah,” he chuckled.  “Seriously though, you’re getting everything you need?”

“Henry, your mom’s been a huge help so has Thomas.  He’s been keeping Alec busy so I can concentrate on my research.”

“I noticed last night, they seem thick as thieves,” said Henry. 

“I’ve never seen Alec hit it off with someone so quickly.  By the way, thank you for taking him to the game with you guys tonight.”

“I figured after a week here he could use a night out,” said Henry. 

“That was a very thoughtful gift you gave Thomas.  I didn’t realize you two were so close.”

“Tommy?  Sure we’re close, he’s my buddy.”

“Your buddy huh?

“Yeah.  Mom brought him home when I was gearing up to run for the House.  He was only 5.  We hit it off right away.”

“He must have been a cute kid.” I thought I might be able to get Henry to open up to me if I probed carefully. 

“They’re all cute at that age,” said Henry. 

“I found a picture of you yesterday, at first I thought it was Thomas,” I stated and fished the photo out of the stack to show him. 

“Oh God, sixth grade,” Henry sighed.  “That seems like a million years ago.”

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