Chapter Six

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Once I had made it inside, I ignored Kinsleys questions before rushing to please myself. I fell asleep soon after, but I knew Kinsley wouldn't let me live until we talked. So, here we are. Sitting on the couch as I indulge her in my moment of confidence to where I kissed not one, but two of the most attractive men I have ever laid my eyes upon.

"Yes, baby, I am so proud of you. I feel like a proud mother." She smiles. "So, what's next?"

I'm not entirely sure. I think I might just give in, give myself a night of undeniable pleasure and then pretend it never happened. I deserve it, I deserve to relax. "I'll let you know when I get that far," I decide to answer that way instead. She smiles to herself, feeling as if she knows something I don't.

The minutes ticked by, and before I know it it is time for me to head to Roselet's. Maybe I should ask Karrie to work a few nights a week, give myself time to focus on other things and ideas. I'm thinking of investing in a few properties for rental purposes. Add another income.

I walk into my beautiful restaurant, checking in with all of my staff and signing off on food orders. One of my servers came to talk to me, informing me of a customer in the bar that touches her every time she goes to pick up her table's drinks. Security doesn't start until four, and seeing as it's four now I walk over to the bar and ask the server to point him out. He's an older gentlemen, obviously slightly intoxicated by the multiple beer glasses that lay empty in front of him. I nod to Carlos, my way of signaling him to be on stand-by.

I walk near the man, purposely swaying my hips to see if I could catch him in the act. Sure enough, as I pass he places his wrinkled hand against my ass. Karrie is staring, seeming to have known what behavior he was displaying. "Watch your fucking hand," I speak loudly.

"Excuse me, bitch?" He slurs, moving to stand to his feet. Carlos takes slow steps towards me, bringing me some comfort.

"It's sexual assault, dipshit. My servers, my bartenders, and myself are here to serve food and beverages. Nothing more, nothing less, do you understand me? Bitch?" I cross my arms, clearly unready for his next move. He backhands me across the face, falling afterword due to his lack of stability in his condition. Carlos lands on top of him, shoving his face into the ground. His knuckles turn white from the grip on the back of the geriatric pervert's head. The few customers in the bar area gasp, one rushing to my aid.

I've been slapped before, much harder than this piece of shit. I squat down, grateful I'm wearing leggings as I get into his face. I feel my cheek swelling a little. "You smack like a pussy," I stand to my feet. "Get him the fuck out of here." Carlos nods, grabbing the man by his collar as I follow them to the door. The man is thrown out of it, and I speak my last words to him. "Next time you even glance at my restaurant, think twice. I own this property, self defense is legal." And Carlos' has a trigger finger that's itching to be put to use. With that, I walk back to the bar.

Noah comes sprinting behind me. "What the fuck, are you okay? Aren't you here to prevent shit like this? Huh?" He turns his head to Carlos as he holds my face in his hands, examining the swelling. Carlos rolls his eyes, glancing over my face once more to make sure I'm okay.

"Noah, I'm fine. Carlos handled it, leave him alone." I swat his hand away, looking into the mirror to see a small scratch on my eyebrow and cheek from his long, crusty nails. "Hopefully you can't get aids from a scratch."

I apologize to a few customers as I walk over to the bar, happy to hear they didn't mind and glad he got what he deserved.

The rest of the night went slow. Bill and Richard both showed up, questioning me about my cheek. Seeing as they have both seen Chris here, they know of my last relationship and it warms my heart that they're concerned. "I'm fine, I promise. Some old prick thought he would fill up every woman on this staff and you know I don't play with stuff like that."

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