Chapter Forty Five

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My whole body is sore. My mind and heart is sore. But it all feels alright when I hold either one of my babies in my arms. They both have green eyes, a head full of hair. I wasn't prepared for twins, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I didn't sleep much throughout the night, just staring at the portable infant warmers my babies lay in. Noah came back and met them both. He sobbed uncontrollably when he saw not one but two babies.

Malanni Michelle Lamont-Michaels and Myles Bill Lamont-Michaels.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry if I thought you were going to go into early labor I would've never-" Elias stops mid-sentence when he sees both of the babies and my tired figure. "Oh my goodness," his face reddens as he walks slowly, standing in between them both. "Twins?" His voice cracks.

"Twins. Myles hid behind his sister at all of the ultrasounds. Sneaky." I muse, Xavion walking in behind him. Everyone else went to the cafeteria to get breakfast.

Elias leans down to Malanni, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Hello beautiful," he slowly picks her up. She looks so small in his arm as he cradles her close to his chest. He leans down, rubbing his nose against hers. "You got your beauty from your momma, babygirl." Xavion leans down and picks up Myles, carefully putting him in Elias' other arms. "And you," he chokes on a cry, pausing to let himself recuperate. "You look just like daddy Mateo. Nose, eyes, even that little scowl he gives daddy Elias when he says something silly." He laughs a bit, looking at me. He leans down and gives me a long and soft kiss. "I love you, princess. I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone."

"She wasn't alone, mother fucker." Kinsley walks in with Kaleb, Carlos, and Noah trailing behind her. "You knew better. I was going to be here regardless."

"Figured as much." He hands me Malanni, and I cradle her to my chest. "You're so amazing, fuck- how did we get so lucky." He refers to himself and Mateo.

"I think I'm the lucky one," I smile down at Malanni.

The rest of the day goes by slowly. People come in and out. Friends, family, doctors and nurses. It drains me.

Two days later we're being discharged. The first stop isn't home, it's to see their other dad.

It hurts my heart a bit to know Mateo has been alone the past few days, excluding his mom. His sisters are flying back in and should be here today.

"Ready?" Elias asks, two car seats in his hands. We only had one, so Carlos went and bought another one. The nurse walks us out of the hospital, my small army walking behind me. Elias, my beautiful babies, Kinsley, Kaleb, Noah, and Carlos. Everyone who has made my life better. Worth living. Four pieces are missing; Bill, my parent, and Mateo.

Bill and I always talked about me having children. Giving him the grandchildren he never had. Them calling him 'Paw Paw' and him spoiling them unconditionally. We also talked of him walking me down the isle. He even picked out his tux after he met the boys. In his words 'the day is coming soon'. I brushed it off. He knew I would fall in love before I did.

We pull into the facility Mateo has been at, a warmth spreading in my heart. My smile never leaves my face as we walk inside. It's just Elias and I, everyone else went back to our house. They went out and bought an extra crib, extra everything really.

He has both the car seats in hand, seeing as I'm restricted from heavy lifting for awhile. Kristen stands up and greets us when we walk in. She get Myles out of his seat and sits with him.

"Hey baby," I whisper to Mateo before kissing his cheek. "You'll never believe it, but these two babies are ours." I bite my lip to prevent me from crying. Elias walks up and holds his limp hand.

"Our woman is amazing, man. Twins all along. Myles looks just like you, that's the boy. Malanni is our babygirl. She gets everything from her momma, thank god for that." He chuckles to himself. "She's really amazing." Elias looks at Mateo absentmindedly.

We sit their for awhile, Tameka comes in and gushes over the newborns for a bit before checking Mateo's vitals.

Elias hands me Malanni once she starts crying so I can feed her. I lay back in the seat, lightly patting her back to get her to burp. I'm not exactly sure how to be a mom. I know it's a learning experience regardless of how much you prepare yourself for it. However, it's still intimidating. I don't want to make the wrong move, which I know I will eventually. It's inevitable.

Once Malanni is settled, I walk her over to Mateo. Kristen and Elias watch as I set her on his chest, careful to avoid all wiring. She lays there, hand on his stomach. "This is your daddy, baby." I whisper to her, keeping close by incase she starts crying.

My heart stills as a hand comes up to her back. Slow, wavering. I take a step back, my breath caught in my longs. Mateo's large hand sits lightly on our daughters back.

We all stare, but Kristen is now on her feet. I glance around the room to see their expressions, Kristen's gasp catches me off guard. My head snaps back to Mateo.

His eyes are open.

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