Chapter Eight

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When we got to my house last night, the boys carried me into the building and the security sent them to my floor. Kinsley opened the door, half asleep. She was more than awake once she saw Mateo carrying me and Elias standing beside him. She showed them to my room, and as soon as I hit the bed I was asleep.

It's now nearly noon, and I'm just now waking. Well, I would've slept longer but Kinsley busted through the door. "Bitch! They obviously did a number on you. You rarely sleep past nine. I need details, let me live through you," she yells, jumping onto my bed. I wish I had half of the energy she constantly has.

I groan in protest, covering my head with a pillow. She rips the pillow from my hands, and I glare at her. "So how was it? Were they big? Was it worth the wait?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"We didn't have sex," my words cause her to freeze. That even sounds awful leaving my lips. I wanted to fuck.

"You didn't have-you didn't have sex? What in the hell kind of bullshit is that. You chickened out, didn't you," she accuses, crossing her arms.

"No! I was ready, more than ready. Dripping down all the way to my back ready. They made me cum, three times. Using great techniques and making my body ache with need. They said they'll have plenty of time for their own pleasure." I groan thinking back on it, my mind on stuck of the feeling of either of their hard cock's hurried into my core.

She looks at me awkwardly, opening her mouth but nothing comes out. "I thought this was just sex?"

"It is! A lot of it, I guess." Is it really just sex?

"You don't seem so convinced."

"I barely know them, Kins. It's just sex, well, sexual encounters," I decide that's the right term to use, seeing as thus far no sex has occurred. I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince, her or myself.

"I give it two weeks," she shrugs, looking at me smugly.

"That's way too long, I plan to sleep with them by the end of this week."

"Not for sex, I give it two weeks before you're all happily dating," she smiles innocently. She says it like she's reading her favorite book and trying to guess the ending.

"What? No. I'm not looking for a relationship, neither are they. Elias said they're only here for a few months due to business. They also said they have no time for women," I exclaim. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time, nonetheless with two men. I had never considered the possibility.

"Well, they obviously make time for you. They've seen you almost every day since Elias first laid eyes on you."

Well, that's true. They do seem to somehow make their way to my restaurant almost on a daily basis. The food can't be that good.

"Enough about me. You're leaving again in a few days, we need to spend time together," I desperately deter the conversation from my sex life, or lack thereof.

She looks at me nervously, biting her lip. "Well, you see, I'm not."

I sit up, looking at her wide-eyed. "You're not, what? Going back?"

"Well, I am, but just to pack my things. I have nobody there, my life is utterly boring. I'm getting too old to go home to an empty bed and nobody to vent too." Her voice sounds smaller than her usual dominant and loud tone.

I knew her moving a few years back wouldn't go easily for her, and secretly I wanted her back. My life is dull without her. "It's not a bad idea, you can stay with me until you find a place."

"I love you so, so much. Thank god, thought I'd have to lose all of my savings renting an airbnb. I would like to know the chances of me working at Rose Petals, and maybe Roselet's too," a smile spreads across her cheeks.

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