Chapter Fifty Nine

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I went and saw Brandon this morning. He's alive, but in a medically induced coma until his body can heal his large wound some. Mateo and Elias still refuse to tell me what happened, but they both say they didn't shoot him.

They did take ownership to his busted lip and burnt eyelid. A part of me feels like that was well deserved.

The doctor told me he's planned to make a full recovery, however it'll be a long one. They asked about his support system and I was unsure what to say. I don't feel comfortable with him living with my family and I.

Once I expressed how I felt to my men, they told me to put out an ad for an in-home nurse for him. I'll pick who it is, and he'll live in Bill's house for the time being. Makaela has decided to move here for the sake of their child.

I spent the rest of my day cleaning our house, tired of the miscellaneous items that have been tossed around in every room. Between both babies, laundry, and the deep clean I am exhausted.

The boys have been gone most of the day, working I assume. I don't mind, it's nice to have some alone time every once in awhile.

I prepare dinner, deciding on a casserole so I don't have to watch over it the entire time. Once it is ready I throw it in the oven, setting my timer.

Myles and Malanni are asleep, so I use this time to my advantage. I grab a book and head to the porch with my baby monitor in hand. I sit in the hammock, the monitor on my chest as I open up to where I left off.

The night air is cool, but not cold. A light breeze flows through the humid sky, balancing out the temperature.

Thirty minutes or so pass before I hear tires against gravel. I fight the urge to smile when I see it's Elias' car, him and Mateo talking. I'm barely able to see them through the dark tint. They don't notice that I'm sitting here.

I watch as they step out the car, arguing over the price of what I'm assuming is coke. I almost giggle. They walk up the steps, Mateo's hand on the door before they both glance at me.

Mateo's stressed face softens, and Elias' lights up.

"Princess," Elias whispers, coming up to my side. He grabs my hand, careful not to close my book. He did that one time, by accident. I threw a small tantrum trying to find the page I was on.

Mateo grabs my bookmark, marking my page for me before leaning down and giving me a kiss. My body warms at the familiar feeling.

"What has our beautiful woman been doing all day," he hums against my lips.

"Playing the perfect housewife," I smile.

"Oh really?" Elias muses, knowing I'm far from it.

"Yes, really. Now it's their daddy's turn. After dinner I'm taking a hot bath and curling up on our bed." I decide.

"Our turn?" Mateo chuckles. "Aren't they asleep?" He glances at the monitor.

"They're asleep right now. Give it a good four hours, one of them will wake up and cry and wake the other one up too."

Elias pulls my hand, willing me from my comfortable seat. "You're lucky I have to take dinner out of the oven, otherwise I would be mad," I smile as I lean into his arms.

We all walk inside, they take a seat as they patiently wait for the food. Once I make our plates I sit back down, listening to them on how their day has been.

The smile on my face never leaves throughout the entire conversation, even when they tell me about what they were bickering about.

My heart and body feels at peace as I stare at the two of them and the monitor that lays on the kitchen table.

Elias walking into Roselet's was the best thing that could've happened to me. I was reluctant at first, fighting to prove to myself that I'm someone I don't have to be.

They've shown me how a woman should be treated. That I've let not only other individuals, but myself as well, walk all over me. They took my broken heart and mended it, and in return I gave them a family.

They took my flaws and insecurities and twisted it into our messy life, helping me overcome each and every one of them.

Elias is my sweetheart. Mateo is my grizzly bear, that has a soft spot he just had never explored before. Best of all, they're both two amazing fathers.

"And then Kaleb said that-" Elias says, and I stop him.

"I love you." My eyes glance to the each of them, my cheeks turning light pink when I notice I interrupted.

"I love you too, baby," Elias smiles, not bothered by my outburst.

"Yes, but I love you more," Mateo smiles.

I pick at my food until they're done, ready to be in their arms. Where I hope to be the rest of my life.


The end.

I don't want to keep dragging this book until you all get bored of it, so I thought best to end it now.

Thank you all so very much for the love and support you've shown me with this book. I read every single comment, some of them honestly make me smile or laugh. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

In all honesty this book was going to end with Mateo passing, then Elias walking back in the same way he did the first chapter. But there are a few of my wonderful readers, they know who they are, who commented and asked me not to let him die. They commented on every chapter, I couldn't bring myself to let them down.

Side note- y'all were more devastated about Bill than Mateo and I love that. 😂

Again, thank you & I love you all.🥺💛

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